chapter 5 - my white knight

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It seems like a whole week has passed without Heung Xi by my side.    Finally, in a few minutes, this will be over.

Thank God, Yuri accompanies me throughout the day.   As eager as I am to give it a try, I can't figure out how I'll survive the whole trek with the ajumas.  I know they are fun to be with but knowing myself, I guess I'll just grab my iPad, sit under a shady tree and slumped there till it's time to descend.    

Don't get me wrong here. I'm not that fragile as you think, I'm actually a  strong person. I do love outdoors and quick getaways, but only with family and friends.  I enjoy a smaller circle of friends rather than big acquaintances. I like sports, especially physical ones.  It helps me strengthened not only my body, but also my mind.  Till now I practice kendo and karate.  Thanks to the two craziest boys I grew up with, which makes my childhood memories into almost female free environment and fun-filled adventurous years, which in fact I would not trade of to playing house or cooking games with other girls of my age.

They teach me how to ride the bike.  Strengthened my tackles till I scratched my legs in our little own rugby match. Catch my breath in our swimming lessons and cried myself out till I lose my voice in our one on one computer games showdown.  

Because of these experiences, it's easy for me to fit in an office full of raging bulls.  I can easily relate to them giving me the advantage to work side by side without being offended, like other women who are not used to a man's world. I fight head to head with them... shout as I  as loud as them and prove that I can also excel in their turf but meet with them after with one bottle of beer.  

Maybe this is why, when I met  Heung Xi in college, things became different.  Suddenly he makes me feel different.  I'm not just one of the boys whenever he's around... suddenly I became a Lady...  the one and only lady in his world.

After a tiresome work, while wearing my ego in my sleeves, it is wonderful to know that at the end of the day I can bare my vulnerabilities to him.  I can lay my guard down and not compete at all. I can let myself be loose since I know he's always there to pick me up. I  can be silly since I know he will be the first to get a good laugh at it.  I  can be dumb for he will always know the answers. Simply being with him always makes me feel safe and secure.  

That is why being separated to him is burdensome in a way. Somehow I long to be with him. I got comfortable in our own little bubble, like missing my own little space, but in our case our own little world.  A convenient escape from a busy and tiring day of everyday living.   And seeing him like that patiently waiting for me in his car make me love him more.  I was so glad that finally, I'm back again...  in my rightful place...right beside my sweetheart.    

When we're almost at the parking lot,  we keep hearing small talks from the ladies.  Think I heard, there's an eye candy in sight, but is waiting for someone.

Yuri  became intrigued who might be stirring  the crowd,  but  as  soon  as  she  sees   him,  she too lost  her  voice and  stopped  mumbling  bout  saying  how  silly  those  girls  are   talking and   obsessing  with  a  guy,  when  she  herself  saw   this  gorgeous   angel  sitting  on  a bench  near his red Camaro listening  to  his  mp3  while  enjoying  the  view  of  nature.  Surely a wonderful scene sent from heaven to minimize the aches that we are experiencing right now due to the long hike down.  

Fated... Forever  Mine..Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang