I Wish I'd've Stayed Home

Start from the beginning

"We like something like 'I would never leave my lover alone, if we fight, we fight together, if we fail, we shall fail together, and I promise to never leave your side my love." In the middle of this, the doors opened to reveal another girl in the same uniform, twirling Haruhi around.

"Benio, we thought you'd never show! Where did you find this lovely young maiden?"

"Yes her skin is so smooth!" The two girls fawn over Haruhi- wait! They knew she was a girl? Shit... let's hope they don't detect me.

"Don't touch my daughter without asking daddy first!" Tamaki shouts, running at the girls, but then getting punched by the girl named Benio. Nuh uh, that's my job.

As Tamaki cries to Kyoya, I walk up to them, acting as manly as a girl can. "What the hell was that for? Only i'm allowed to punch the Host King." I glare at them.

"Benio, this is the mean one." The girl with orange-ish hair whispers, and I feel my eye twitch in irritation.

"I guess the rumors we heard are true. You're all just a group of weaklings with no brains in any of you." Benio states, hugging Haruhi to herself. 

"Excuse me bi-"

"Those uniforms, you ladies must be from Lobelia Girls' Academy, and I correct?" Kyoya interrupts me and I glare daggers at him. A sparkle lights up in the girls' eyes and I sense something is about to happen. Why do I feel like these girls are going to si-


Sing.... I groan and walk away from them. I grab Huni's shirt sleeve and drag him over to the other side of the room.

"This is what I get for being the disobedient daughter. Who are these bitches?" I ask him quietly, as the three Lobelia girls sing about themselves.

"I dunno Ryu-Chan, but I don't think they realize you're a girl, even with your double D breasts!" Huni shouts quietly, and I feel a blush rise to my cheeks.

"That's 'cause it's wrapped, baka!" I smack him upside the head and a second later a large hand is on my shoulder, making me groan. Again. "Mori, move." I push off his hand and then walk back to the group. So the girls' are Hinako, Chizuru, and Benio and they're the... Zuka Club?

"The Zuka Club!? What a ridiculous name!" The twins start laughing their heads off, rolling around on the floor. I just roll my eyes and smirk. Just as things calm down a little, Renge pops out of the ground, scaring the shit out of me and making me hide behind Kotetsu. I glare as she begins to rant about the Zuka Club.

As she continues to talk, the twins slide up to me, "Did someone," "Get scared?" Hikaru and Kaoru whisper to me, and I punch them both in the gut. 

"I'm changing." I mumble, going back to the changing rooms and getting out of the knight costume and putting on the original outfit I was wearing - red skinny jeans, black combat boots, my belt, a black muscle shirt and a red flannel, which I tie around my waist. When I come back out, the Zuka Club is now ranting about themselves. The twins are now uninterested, Kotetsu and Huni are eating cake, Tamaki's in bed from the cultural shock, and Mori's playing with his knight sword. I want in!

Grabbing my own sword, I go over to him and we start to spar, ignoring the three crazy bitches.

"Why don't you girls just scat?" The twins say, and I nod.

"Look at them, girls. Since their idiot host skills don't work on us, they don't know what to do with themselves." Benio chuckles, and I decide to pipe in my opinion.

"No it's because your stupid 'Zuka Club' is the most boring thing ever, and we're not impressed with you. So what you're a historically famous school. Take my advice earlier, if you don't like our club, then take your pampered little asses and walk out the door." I tell them, and Chizuru and Hinako hide behind Benio, which makes me smirk.

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