The Devil's Plaything

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The Devil's Plaything:

Mira, a college Sophomore, interrupts a deal with the Devil. After the demon corners her, she is sure he's going to kill her. But, luckily for her, he is too fascinated with her soul to end her life. Or perhaps she's not so lucky after all.

With help from new friends, she will stop at nothing to reclaim her life. But what will happen when she has to face her undeniable attraction to the evil, albeit stunning individual who put her in this situation? And how much time does she have to save her soul before their attraction to one another becomes something far more sinister?

Note: I created this trailer to hype you all up about the story, but that doesn't mean the characters look like the actors in the trailer (I just happened to think the hard-to-find clips I used to make the trailer fit the story best). However, there are no determinate ethnicities/races/heights/weights or any other appearance factors other than hair and eye color described for any characters unless it serves a plot point. Please do imagine them however you best picture them!

And here is a link to the playlist, for those who like to listen to music while they read:


Devil's PlaythingDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora