Text Messages, Shopping Trips, and Preparations

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Justin Bieber is more than just your average twenty year-old; he's an international recording artist, big brother, and teen heartthrob. Bieber is known for not only his musical capabilities, but also his dedication towards his work and relationships with others, including his 50 million Beliebers on Twitter. But in life, some things don't last forever. The charming, innocent 16-year old grew up a bit, but not as the world planned. Illegal drugs, late night parties, one nightstands, excessive profanity; these are some of the many activities Bieber has turned to four years later. Rumors have mixed with the truth, causing the world to wonder. What is true? What is false? Who is the real Justin Bieber? Every question has an answer, and these have multiple.


I stared at the Apple in front of me for what seemed like hours, days even. Glancing at my moleskin notebook at all the scribbles, scrabbles, and small tests to see if my fountain pen worked, I sighed, for I was stuck in writer's block. Suddenly, a low vibration sounded to my right. I turned my head towards the buzz, grabbed my iPhone, and flipped it right side up, only to see a familiar name the glassy screen.

From: Bizzle

Hey babe, u miss me? ;)

My eyes fell into the back of my head in disgust. I wondered throughout the whole day exactly when he was going to send his daily message; it turns out that this was the moment. For the past three days, my cell phone has been blowing up from short little texts from Justin, resulting in me replying half of the time. Irrelevant, flirtatious little phrases filled my notifications every single second.

To: Bizzle

Can’t say I have, but I know you miss me ;)

I typed the small message, hit send with my thumb, and watched it disappear into cyberspace. As soon as my phone landed on my desk, it buzzed once again.

From: Bizzle

Ur right I do. Ur gonna be all mine tomorrow ;)

I re-read the sentences repeatedly in my mind; what does that even mean? It's times like these where you wonder how the opposite gender thinks and functions every day of their life. Was this supposed to be funny? Romantic? Sexual? Why are men so confusing?

To: Bizzle

And what exactly does that mean, should I be scared?

From: Bizzle

Nah, that's for me to know, and for you to find out ;)

To: Bizzle

Stop with the wink faces! You’re creeping me out. Bye.

From: Bizzle

Lol. See u later Kayla

I laughed softly to myself, put my device down, and put my full attention on the start of what could be the best article I've ever written in my lifetime; the article that could make me, or break me.

"So, I hear that you have a hot date tomorrow night?" I turned my head towards the door.

"What? How did you know already! I was planning to tell you when I finished editing my opening paragraph," I admitted to my boss.

"Word travels fast around the building, sweetheart. When my ex-boyfriend and I broke off, everyone stopped by my office to comfort me. It was annoying, but very sweet, not the man but the situation. Well, it could be both," Clarissa reminisced, "Where's Bieber taking you? What do you have so far?"

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