Night Clubs, Players, and Smooth Moves

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 "Alexa! Hurry up! It's 6:55, we can't be late; my job is on the line remember?" I yelled as I flipped through multiple television channels.

As I did this, I have come to the conclusion that there is absolutely nothing to watch on Thursday nights.

"Cierra la puta boca!" Alexa cursed in Spanish, causing me to roll my eyes.

Thank god I took Spanish all through middle school and high school. That girl swears like a sailor around here.

"Good evening, I'm Nicole Morrison and here's your daily report on celebrity sightings," the news lady announced as I rolled my eyes, finally settling on a program, too lazy to channel surf some more.

"Kim Kardashian was spotted walking through Beverly Hills today, flaunting her gorgeous post-birth figure! What's the secret? Well, well, well, look whom we have here. This just in, Justin Bieber sneaked into the back entrance of Club Zinc in Los Angeles, California. What's going to go down in Bieberland this time? We'll be sure to keep you all updated, since his cover has already been blown." and with that, I shut the television.

"Let's go, chop, chop! Pop star boy is waiting for you!" Alexa demanded as she strutted out of the bathroom wearing a lavender dress that imitated stars, as well as coal black pumps.

"So, I was watching Kopter, you know the show about celebrity sightings, and I saw Bi-"

"Yeah, I know I saw that too. We're going to be so late; he's already there! But then again, he hangs there past midnight so it won't really be a big deal. Who cares about him anyways? I certainly don't," I started to ramble.

"Caitlyn, calm down. Your babe isn't going anywhere," Alexa smirked, getting her purse right next to mine.

"Oh, cierra la puta boca!" I mimicked, my reaction being the same as hers.


"This is so exciting!" Alexa squealed as she parked her silver Cadillac in one of the many empty spots next to the nightclub.

I groaned; it would be even more exciting if I didn't have to work tonight. Journalists take risks. Clarissa's voice popped into my mind. Club Zinc was the definition of crazy; base drops were audible from the parking lot, inside the car, people from all directions sprinted towards the giant square of neon lights, and a big screen was placed on top of the flashing sign with the club's logo on it.

"Let's have some fun, okay?" Alexa smiled, a small smile, at me.

"I can try," I responded, giving her a grin right back.

I stepped foot out of the vehicle, getting used to standing with my heels that were taller than a skyscraper. Together, my best friend and I headed down the sidewalk to the club, the bright spotlights guiding us there.

Stars smiled down at me, a thick black blanket covering them. The moon was up, indicating that a new night has just begun.

"Damn girl," a couple of guys outside Zinc, each with a cigarette between their fingers exclaimed, some even wolf whistling.

Their stares burned holes against my dress, making me feel insecure. Was I a slut in their eyes? I rambled in my mind.

"Sorry boys, she's about to be taken tonight," Alexa hollered, smirking at the group and I.

"Yeah, by me," one boy replied back, causing Alexa and I to roll our eyes and head inside.

I absorbed my surroundings; remixes were on repeat, a flood of people gathered on the dance floor, grinding on each other, the smell of alcohol, cologne, perfume, and sweat filled my nostrils.

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