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narrative part

how should i escape? i dont have the keys with me... think! saerah! think!

"ahah!" i went down the staircase and to the backyard. there is a backdoor to escape, but there is a maze that i have to complete first.

i thought back to yesterday, where i saw something maze-like. it is on the dining table! i ran to the dining table, and looked closely to the map.

"what are you doing?"

i jumped in shock. i ran in full speed to the maze. i followed exactly to the map, and successfully reached the backdoor. it needed passcode, which i pressed in my dad's birthdate, 2706. it didnt work.

i kept thinking. "must be the birthdate of all of them. so dad is 2706, she is 1609, and her daughter is 1707!" i mentally calculated the numbers together, and successfully opened the backdoor.

"bye! you mother fucking!" i am panting so hard. i quickly made my way to the taxi stand and grabbed a taxi.

"(guanlin's address) please." i breath in and out, trying to recover from whatever had happened.

lai guanlin's pov

text part

hey, im reaching your house soon.

oh sure, im waiting

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