Brand New Me

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Stepping into the school again was something I had done every year before me but this time it felt like something I hadn't done before

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Stepping into the school again was something I had done every year before me but this time it felt like something I hadn't done before. It felt foreign to me, wrong almost.

I had my schedule in hand and my book bag around my shoulder. It all looked normal and familiar but it didn't feel right. 

 I knew exactly why I felt this way. And his name started with R and ended with Yan. I shook away the feeling.

This was Senior year! I should be celebrating and rejoicing. I had one more year in this hell and then I was done. I could move on to something different, far away from this town in California which seemed to just bring me bad luck.

I had come to the conclusion when I came home from the beach last night that I was going to be a new person. I was going to try to change. Act a little different. This was part one of the revenge plan. Be new and get attention.

I saw Ryan walking down the hallway, while playing on his phone. I jumped over to the bathroom and yanked the door open. I gasped when I saw urinals lining the walls, some occupied and some not.

"Hey, get out of here!" They all yelled while zipping up their pants.

"I'm so sorry, but I'm hiding from someone." I said and pulled the door open slightly, just enough to see that Ryan had passed. I looked back over to the guys who were all looking at me expectantly.

"Again, I'm terribly sorry." I said and backed out of the boys bathroom. People coming down the hallway gave me weird looks probably making up rumors already. The old me would care, but the new me didn't. I flashed all of them a smile and a wave and hurried down the hall, bumping into someone in the process.

"Damn. You look hot." Hailey complimented and then pulled me into the girls bathroom. At least it was the girls bathroom this time.

"Your lipstick is a little smudged." She said and pulled me in front of the mirror. She handed me a bright red shade. "It will go better with your outfit anyway." I changed the shade and gave myself a onceover.

This color did go better with my long sleeve black shirt and high rise shorts. The shade especially matched my red pumps.

"There, all better. Now what's your schedule?" She said ripping it from my hand. We have first period math and health together. "You're taking French?"

"It's a beautiful language." I said taking my schedule back. "Plus I need a foreign language to graduate and go straight to a four year college."

"Ugh, I don't want to think about college. Let's just focus on Senior year." We walked out of the bathroom and into the hallways. Hailey was rambling absentmindedly about something, not even knowing who she's talking to.

I felt a hand wrap around my wrist and pull me back. Before I could yell for Hailey, a hand covered my mouth. I know this hand. Rage rushed through my veins and I bit his hand hard.

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