1: The Boys

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Every morning starts out more or less the same. I wake up at the crack of dawn, scarf down my coffee and then take the taxi to work. The trip from my flat to EMI studios is always a bit drab. In typical London fashion, the weather tends to be cloudy and rainy. I often take advantage of my time in the cab to write a little. Alas, today, as I stared down at my notebook, nothing was coming to me. Inspiration has been running rather low for me lately and the dreary atmosphere was not helping.

I work for a man named Brian Epstein. He is a rather pleasant fellow with kind eyes and a warm smile, though he is stern when he needs to be. He manages a band called The Beatles, maybe you've heard of them. There's John, the rhythm guitarist, Paul, the bassist, George, the lead guitarist, and Ringo on drums.

Life with the boys is definitely interesting. I call them "the boys" because there's truly no other way to describe them. They're rowdy, rambunctious, obnoxious and crude, not to mention very flirtatious. Still, I can't say their extreme popularity comes from nowhere. They are, not only unbelievably talented, but each very charming in their own unique way.

John, who you could call the de facto leader of the group, has a very dark, mysterious vibe to him. Though he has the habit of behaving the most inappropriately out of the four, he has a softer side that occasionally comes out. True to his quick-witted public persona, John is known for his wisecracks and his sarcastic demeanor. And while this aspect to his personality does admittedly get a chuckle out of me every once in a while, I find myself most drawn to his complex, artistic persona.

While John was generally seen as the crux of the gang, I could see that Paul was quickly catching up and proving he could hold his own quite easily as a musician. He is arguably the most gifted structurally and instrumentally at what he does. Indeed, he takes the band and his music very seriously, much to the annoyance of everyone else. In spite of his stern approach to writing songs, he has a very cute, boyish way about him.

Though George is the youngest, he certainly shows a maturity that is well beyond his years. Usually sitting quietly in the background, he has a sharp tongue like John but he knows when to contain it. He is also pretty musically gifted in his own right, but you can tell that he holds back for the sake of both John and Paul, who are intertwined in a very one-of-a-kind way in regards to their songwriting.

In contrast with the others, Ringo is the friendliest and relatively the most mild-mannered. In the midst of all their incredible fame, it's nice to know that at least one of them is genuinely humble. Growing up as an only child, he's the closest thing to what I imagine an older brother figure to be. And when the time called for it, he could personate the same role for all of his band mates.

Now, at this point, I know what you must be wondering: am I romantically involved with any of the Beatles? While I'm sure the thought of hooking up with one of them would positively thrill any other woman in my position, I have to say that I'm personally not that interested. For, you see, I have a boyfriend, and I am devoted to that. He treats me well, and it's certainly not worth losing over a one-time fling with a flighty Fab Four member.

That being said, I wouldn't be totally honest if I said I wasn't attracted to any of them. If, and only if, I wasn't already taken, I may have considered courting them. In fact, there is one in particular who has ever so subtly caught my eye, Paul.

However, I'm not about to let myself get swept away by an insignificant feeling. Today is an ordinary day at my ordinary job and I plan to keep things as ordinary as possible. First order of ordinary business: signing in for the day. I carefully write my name on the dotted line. Abigail Genevieve Greene.


NOTE: Hi there! And thank you for taking the time to read this story! This is my first multi-parter and also my first time fiddling around with first-person. I'm not the biggest fan of first-person because it's hard to write well from that perspective and it's hard to know which tense to use, but I like to experiment! I'm writing this for fun and not for tons of votes or reads, so you guys enjoying this is just icing on the cake for me. Cheers! ♥♥♥

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