Chapter 9

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Alex POV:

"Good night" I say and Jack gives me one last peck on the lips filling me with those butterflies I've gotten used to. I'm extremely happy at how things turned out tonight. Jack and I are finally going somewhere with our relationship and I couldn't be happier. "Good night Lex" He says back.  Lex I love my new nickname. With that I'm off on my way home which isn't to far down the street. I make my way home up to the front door. I pause remembering all that happened tonight which makes me smile. I know that as soon as I walk in the house i'll just be consumed by the sadness and hate that lingers in this house. I walk in the house and put my things down by the door and walk into the kitchen. I notice nobody's around and just assume mom and dad went to bed. I grab a glass of milk and sit down at the island in the middle of the kitchen and notice a letter with my name on it with a post-it note next to it.

 The post-it note says Alex when you get home your father and I will probably be asleep but I want you to have this. The police found this note Tom wrote to you with his things in the morgue. It's yours so you can do what every you want with it. Love you and goodnight :) I move the the post-it note aside and pick up the note with my name sprawled across the front. I don't know if I can handle it but I open it anyways. 

Dear Alex, 

When you read this I'll probably be dead. I'm writing this to you and you only because you were the only person I ever truly loved and trusted. Your my kid brother and you will always be. I need you to know that this is not your fault and I'm sorry that I'm leaving you. You know I'm depressed but I'm sorry I couldn't tell you everything. I never could live with myself if I dumped my burdens on you. You shouldn't have to live with my issues. I also need you no know you should learn to love who ever you want to love. I remember the time you told me you thought you may be bisexual or gay and I need you to know it's okay. Love who ever you want love and don't let anyone or anything get in your way. You deserve so much more in life than you have now and I hope you get everything you ever want. Just remember no matter how hard life gets it will get better. I can never stress to you enough how much I love you and goodbye Alex. 

                                                                                                                                                                                   Love Tom

I never thought I'd ever get an explanation or a goodbye from him. He left us so suddenly I never thought about if he left a note or not. I wipe away the tear that's rolling down my cheek but they keep coming. I run up to my room and shut the door not letting go of the letter. I collapse in front of my bed sobbing while I hold the letter rereading it. Tears stain the letter despite me trying to wipe them away. How dare he?  How could he say life will always  get better but then kill himself. If he loved me so much then why did he leave me? How could he leave me alone? How could he?

I climb into bed holding the letter to my chest trying to ignore the thoughts running through my head. I put my head phones in trying to drown out the thoughts in my head. Then my phone goes off and I reach over to look at the bright screen.

Jack: Hey Lex I had lots of fun tonight and I hope we hang out like this again some time XOXO.

Alex: I had fun too and I hope we do this again too :)

Jack: Goodnight

Alex: Goodnight

I turn off my phone smiling through the tears. It's hard to think that If Tom didn't kill himself I may have never met Jack. I may have never met the boy who can make me smile even in my darkest times. We kissed a couple times but i'm starting to fall in love with this boy and he gives me feelings that I never want to lose. Jack is everything I want and everything I need at the moment. Tom was right I will not let any one or anything get in between me and Jack. I love him.


Thanks for more than 80 views! I never thought this would get more than 20. I hope you are enjoying this story and there is much more to come. Chapter 10 coming soon so stay tuned!

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