Chapter 7: Taehyung

Start from the beginning

Take your mind off things.

Off him.

Save yourself the misery.

As the bell rang through the air, indicating it was time for the next class, you wait a few minutes just to make sure that when you make your escape, no one would follow you out and there would be a low chance of you being seen by any teachers.

Then, you slowly make your way down the stairs, through the empty hallways, and finally, out the school building.

You sigh in content as a warm breeze greeted your face. Furrowing your eyebrows, you look up, swearing the sky was polluted with dark clouds just a few moments ago.

Instead, pure white fluff hung in the baby blue canvas, the sun peeking out behind them as birds chirped in nearby trees.

You walked at your own pace through the park, slowly, greeting an old couple that walked past.

Hearing footsteps race behind you, you simply shrug it off as it could be anyone trying to get past.

Sadly, that wasn't the case.

Fingers encircle your wrist, turning you around. You let out a small sigh of relief at the person standing in front of you, "You scared me, man."

"Sorry," he smiles sheepishly, letting go of your hand to rub the back of his neck.

"Where are you off to?" He asked after a few moments of silence.

"Home," you simply answer, "I don't want to be at school right now."

He nods at your statement, seeming to agree to it, "That's a mood."

You giggle a little, and he could've sworn he felt his heart skip a beat.

"Why are you here though? Are you following me?" You let out a dramatic gasp at the end of your question, playing around with him.

"Actually," he trails off, smiling rather oddly, "Yeah, I am. I just wanted to make sure you were okay after that."

Taehyung had been the one to save you from almost falling.

His smile immediately faltered as he took a good look at your face.

"A-Are you okay?" He asked worried, hesitating to let his hands reach up to your cheeks to wipe the tears away as he helped you stand up straight.

You let out a sniffle as your voice croaked, "I'm fine."

And there, you ran away. Up to the rooftop, where you had been the entire time before Tzuyu found you.

You nod slowly, looking down at your feet, "Yeah, I'm fine. Just dealing with feelings a lot."

"Hey," he called out softly, making you look up at him, "If you need anyone to talk to, or a shoulder to cry on, you can always call me, and I'll be there before you know it."

He smiled and you felt your cheeks heat up.

The suns rays cast down upon him, softening his features.

He was handsome, you had taken note of that the first day he arrived at your school, in your class.

He was really handsome and kind from his actions towards, making sure you were okay.

You let out a breath, eyes never leaving his, "Thank you, Taehyung. For coming to check up on me, even if it meant you were following me."

He let out a laugh, throwing his head back. You smile to yourself as he speaks, "Don't mention it."

"Also," he holds up his index finger, telling you to wait as he fished something out of his pocket, "If you need to call me, you have to first give me your number."

He smiles expectantly, as you take his phone, type your number in, and give it back to him.

"Yes," he throws a fist into the air, "I have a cute girl's number."

Your eyes mirror his own, widening as they look up at each other. Both of you had felt your face heat up at his statement as he desperately tried to cover it up, "N-No, what I-I meant was, this a-and, not that, and this goes here. Then y-you put the thing here, and-"

You try to suppress a laugh as he just didn't make any sense.

"You're cute too," you smile before walking away.

Taehyung stood there, completely dumbfounded as a smile crept on to his face.

Did I hear right?

Did she just call me cute?

He scratched the nape of his neck, glancing at your figure walking away before turning off into the opposite direction.

Jimin, on the other hand, witnessed everything.

He didn't see you in class, so with the excuse of going to the bathroom, he searched the hallways for you.

When he walked outside he saw your form, walking off into the park, with Taehyung following you.

Furrowing his eyebrows, he dashed towards you.

By the time he had reached, Taehyung had already started talking to you.

Jimin hid behind a tree close to the pair, listening to the conversation and watching the scene unfold in front of him.

"You're cute too," you said as you walked off in the distance. Jimin's jaw clenched, his fingers balling into fists as he felt his heart break a little.

He didn't like that you called Taehyung cute and not him.

He didn't like that Taehyung had gone to ask if you were okay, even though Jimin had not known the reason behind it.

Why weren't you okay?

He wondered to himself, glaring at the smiling orange-head walking away.

A tug at his heart and all anger washed away.

What's happening to me?

. . .


A/N: Hello my lovely stars, hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Remember to stay safe, drink plenty water to stay hydrated, and get rest whenever you need it! Daily reminder that I love you guys!

- Nabi

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