(33) For Peter or Me

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And some people think it's wrong and that I'm presenting someone that isn't me but I gave

Peter would have stayed my father's dream but I used this name to bring another life-and it's still me.

I am Peter. My father's son. Peter. He lives.

And he's made friends, those friends read his poems and joke and they adore Peter.

And he is me. My other half. Slim Shady's Marshall or The Rock' Dwayne.

He lives in my heart, occupying a 4x4 room in my haunted house. He doesn't live alone, people walk in and out.

He usually just opens his bedroom door when he's called, see he doesn't want them to know that he's just a hologram. His face is not
And his stories are
but they are

I am she. And...

I am he.

Peter exists, that's a fact.


Peter doesn't exist. That's also a fact.

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