(31) To Reyna

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Let me say this just once
That nothing's set in stone

I can fly if I want to
I can dive if I want to

And you- you whose always rode my back you don't have a reserved seat in my room of heroes

Let me say this just once
The king's got his crown and doesn't sell it even when he's starving

It's pride before everything but I guess you wouldn't know

Let me say this just once
That my own strength is just enough for someone else and he-Although his face has remained unseen- he believes in me, than you've ever had

He listens to my secrets,
He read my poems,
And he doesn't complain when I wear my heart beneath my bra

Let me say this just once...
I love you and
I can't wait to leave your house.

Not Quite, Midnight | poemsWhere stories live. Discover now