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Friday afternoon seemed determined to last for frigging ever. To make it worse, Claire didn't have anything to do—other than hanging out at the bookstore and flick through every single cooking book.

The clock didn't only murder minutes toward Tom's arrival. It also squeezed a knot in Alex's belly, nice and slow. And Claire's understanding smile didn't exactly help. Until Alex grabbed the girl's jacket and tossed it to the girl's face.

"Latte. Cinnamon. Two sugar."

Claire looked up from the book, as innocent as a new-born baby. "I know how to make a cappuccino, thanks."

"Then go get me one."

"But we have the—"

"To Concrete. On foot."

Claire stood up and put on her jacket, giggling.

"And don't hurry to come back."

The girl paused at the door and winked at her. "Being impatient is so sweet of you, y'know?"


Claire walked out with another giggle.

Alex let out a sigh and played Daughtry. At moments like that, her niece's empathy brought up her homicidal side.

She got distracted sorting novels by genre and author as she sang along under her breath. A couple of songs later, her belly was no longer a tight knot, but only a bottomless shrieking hole. She soon finished the last shelf, where black novels were. She scribbled a sticky note to order more Raymond Chandler and wondered what would she do next to keep herself busy and distracted.

The string of little bells hanging from the upper corner of the door jingled, and she spun around as if to face the Four Horsemen.


Before she could swallow her heart, Felicity jumped to her arms. She caught the little girl and lifter her, laughing with her. Then she turned to Kat, who watched them with a warm smile.

"Sorry, but Fel wouldn't pass by without stopping to say hi to you."

Alex poked Felicity, making her giggle. "You better, little miss!" She nodded at Kat's bags. "Last minute shopping?"

"Yeah. My car's at Mike's and I never seem to have enough time for everything on foot."

"Wanna leave Fel here with me? What d'you say, Fel? I just got a new book about stars and planets. Wanna see it?"

"Yay! Go, Mom! I'm staying with Al!"

"Oh, no, Al. I don't wanna—"

"You go, Kat. We'll be fine. Oh, and if you happen to see Claire, tell'er I ain't killing her yet, so she can come back."

Kat nodded, chuckling. "Okay!"

Felicity tugged from Alex's hand to go to the children's corner. Kat left and Alex sat down on the cushions, while the little girl stretched on the rug as if she were in her own room.

Claire didn't come back, and Alex was able to shift her attention away from the door for a while. To Felicity's delight, Alex showed her a book full of pictures of the solar system and galaxies. Felicity was learning to read, so their next pick was for her to practice.

They were so focused on their reading, that they didn't notice the black Yukon pulling over to park right behind the Hilux.

When the little bells jingled again, they looked up with big smiles, expecting to see Kat or Claire. Instead, Alex found Tom and his son Samuel standing by the counter, like beamed down from the Death Star.

She jumped to her feet to greet them. The first thing she noticed was Tom's relaxed smile. It remind her of the picture he'd shown her, of him with his son. Exactly the same smile replacing his usual broody face.

"Hey, there! You made it! Welcome!" she said, and she turned to the boy. He had light hair, a sweet shy smile and his father's blue eyes. "You must be Samuel. I'm Al, nice to meet you."

The boy shook her hand and his eyes slipped past her, to the children's corner.

"Hey, Samuel, my friend Felicity and I were checking out some books. Wanna join her?"

Samuel nodded eagerly, eyes on the little girl watching him from behind Alex. She traded a glance with Tom and stepped aside, waving for the boy to follow her. Tom stayed by the counter, watching Alex introduce Samuel to Felicity.

"Make yourself at home," she said.

She went back to Tom, who still looked at his child. The boy lay on his belly by Felicity and volunteered to help her read her book.

"Good thing he likes reading," Alex said.

Tom's voice matched his relaxed, light mood. "When I told'im about your store, he asked if you'd let'im see your books. All of them."

"Oh, well."

They chuckled together and Tom lowered his voice to ask, "And how are you?"

She shrugged. "Fine. Actually, like nothing happened." She met his eyes. "Thanks to you."

"Thought we were past thanks and you're-welcome."

They chuckled again, missing the soft jingling of the bells. Claire and Kat came in together, still eyeing the spotless new Yukon. Alex introduced Tom to Kat, noticing his warm smile at Claire. Behind her, Samuel helped Felicity unravel a short, colorful story about farm animals.

Alex's eyes moved over all of them there at the store and smiled. "How about dinner at Jill's, guys?"

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