"Ye...yes," I nod but refuse to let go of him. A warm blanket is wrapped around my shoulders.

"You need to step down Ruby," he tells me.

Following his orders, I step out of the van and move my arms to his waist so I don't lose him. Keeping my face pressed into his chest I walk with him. Mr. Baker doesn't let me go, he keeps his arms around me as we walk into the brightly lit building. My tears keep coming and my heart refuses to calm down but they found me, Mason must have heard me calling. We walk into a small room that has a grey carpet and blue chairs, with a small wooden table in the center of the room.

"Have a seat," he says.

In the corner of the room, there are toys piled up in a yellow plastic box. Barbie's are strewn haphazardly on top of trucks and a large dinosaur. Lego blocks are on the floor with some stuffed toys.

"Would you like some water Ruby?" Mr. Baker asks.

Shaking my head, I wipe my eyes then finally look up at him. He takes a seat beside me, giving me a tight smile.

"Did Mason tell you?" I ask. "M...my phone, I tried to call h...him. They took it," I try to explain. "I...I kicked and screamed," I tell him as fresh tears fall.

"You did good Ruby, I'm proud of you for fighting back," he says softly. Another officer in the corner grunts, drawing my attention to him and the mirrored glass he stands beside.

"Knock it off," Mr. Baker says to the other guy.

"Did you find them," I ask. My body now trembling with cold and probably shock.

"Ruby," Mr. Baker sighs. "I have something important to tell you, okay?"

"Okay," I whisper. "Is Mason here?" I question.

"No," he sighs. "He's in bed asleep. The men that came to your house, those were police officers."

"What, why?" I ask looking at him now. The lines around his eyes make him look more tired and the set of his mouth is slightly frustrated.

"Ruby, I have someone here for you to talk to, okay," he looks at the other officer who then leaves the room.

"I don't understand what's happening," I sniffle.

"I know," he sighs. When the door opens again, the officer returns with a woman, who looks to be in her mid-forties, she sits across form me and smiles kindly.

"Ruby, this is Doctor Bay," he tells me. "She is here to talk with you."

"Why, I don't need a doctor," I tell him confused.

"I'm a psychologist," she tells me.

"Mr. Baker, what's going on?"

He runs his hand through his hair then looks at me again, "Ruby do you remember the night ten years ago?"

"The night my parents died?"

"Yes," he nods.

"Not really, Um...the lady said my parents died, then I went to foster care," I reply.

"Ruby," Mason's dad takes my hand, turning his body more toward me. "Your parents didn't die Ruby, you were taken by the babysitter."

"No," pulling my hands away I move back from him. "I wasn't taken, they died and I was in foster care, those houses," I reply with a wobble to my voice.

"Ruby," Dr. Bay interrupts. "I know this is hard for you but what Officer Baker just told you is true."

"How would you know," I snap at her.

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