06; hurdles

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one day we were lying on my bed with the lights turned off and the hum coming off of my fan being the only noise in the room. we new we were both awake but decided to sit in silence instead of ruining a perfect moment with useless words.

you had started to spend more time with my friends and i. and you started to talk about todd one night, mentioning how he acted in class and how he lit up everyone's world.

you told me that he had a tendency to tell you jokes that would make you smile at how corny they were. and for a minute or two i thought you were preparing yourself to tell me that you were in love with toddy.

but you turned to me and in the dark room, all i could see was the outline of your face. but you continued to look at me through the darkness and you said you thought that when you met me, that i would pull you out of a hole.

that was the night you told me about your hole that you had been thrown into years prior to our conversation. you told me about past relationships and friendships.

you told me how fondly you had grown of me in the past few weeks, and lucia you had no clue how fond of you i was before we had our first conversation.

you told me the troubles that you went through as a child and the emotional aspect of your life today.

you did not, however, tell me the biggest hurdle you were in the middle of jumping over.

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