02; elijah

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i was sitting on a couch, the first time todd mentioned you. he thought i only had my eye on you because you were in my line of sight while i was staring off into space; lost in my own thoughts. i couldn't blame him, since that was often the case.

but this time, i wasn't staring off into space. i was staring at a girl who i found myself looking at more often than i would've liked to admit.

"she's in my creative writing class" he said, tearing my eyes away from you so i could meet his.

todd only took that class so his "song writing skills" would "mature". the rest of his classes were spread out to different buildings since todd took a wide range of classes. that was his only class in the english building. he didn't pick up song writing until earlier that semester but he seemed really into it.

but you, lucia; you lived in the english and literature building. creative writing, poetry, and film analysis.

my friend erin was in your poetry class. she used to say your writings are 'sinfully delicious'.

i just couldn't believe i didn't have the chance to talk to you. i didn't go to the school and only came to these frat parties with my group of friends to meet new people.

that is, until heath opened his big mouth.


lucia's pov

elijah collins; man of the hour and my best friend. his basic leather pants made him look irresistible to every girl in the house. to me he just looked hilariously stupid.

"you know, you should try to mingle a little more." i pushed my huge black frames further up my nose and scrunched it, resulting in heath pinching it between his thumb and pointer finger.

"you're a pussy, clark." i rolled my eyes as he scanned the room for a second. "todd! come here!" i saw a boy stand up from a couch, my eyes glued to his friend as i smirked and continued to sip out of my red solo cup.

todd approached elijah and i. he's in my creative writing class! that's how i know him.

his friend, however, stayed in the back of my mind.

"talk to lucy; i'm going to get a beer"

and that's when todd started to become more than just the quiet boy i saw on wednesday's from noon to three.

we talked until elijah got back, and then we realized that thirty minutes had gone by. we were talking about class, but time just seemed to consume us.

i guess it has a way of doing that.

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