Chapter 23: Bad Songs by Rebecca Black

Start from the beginning

            "L-Leo?" She tried to remember why she seemed so surprised that he was here. "You went somewhere...why are you back?"

            He sat next to her. They were still outside, but they were on a beach instead of inside a dark depressing place like when she was fighting that giant. Why was she doing that again? When she tried to remember, her head hurt, so she stopped and just listened to Leo.

            "This was part of my quest for my Dad, I guess. He just told me to come here." Leo answered. "Where are the others? Where are they at?"

            Piper's throat went dry. There were others? "Um..." She stressed to remember them. Suddenly they began popping up in her brains like weeds. "I thought Annabeth and Percy were with me earlier...I don't know where they went. I think that maybe Hazel is back on that boat?" She guessed.

            "Piper, are you okay? You hit your head pretty hard. I wish I had some more ambrosia or nectar I could give you," Leo sighed. "We'll find the others, don't worry. You and me." Piper cracked a smile with her chapped lips.

            "You and me." She repeated. "So Leo, where are we exactly?" Now that Piper had figured out they were no longer with the others, she knew they couldn't be in the right place at the moment.

            "Gyros, Greece. It's an island that's averagely close to Greece, but we still can't get back to the main land unless we find Jason or Percy or Annabeth. I don't have anything much in my tool belt we could use, either. Only breath mints."

            "So let's start looking, then." Piper decided and braced herself for the pain to come. She took a deep breath and pushed herself up and out of bed onto her feet. She tripped, but Leo caught her.

            "You gonna be alright?" He wondered nervously. Piper nodded and swallowed the lump in the back of her throat. Her lungs screamed with pain, and her head was better but not perfect. Her memories were still muddled. Other than that, she was just fine.

            Then they walked. They walked off of the beach and into the mortal flocked city. It seemed pretty empty, though. Piper just guessed that it wasn't a very popular place for tourists to venture to. They continued around the streets and getting odd glances from people everywhere.

            They must've walked for an hour or so until something interesting happened. Someone flew down from the sky. Someone named Jason. Piper remembered him, of course. She could never forget her boyfriend.

            "Piper! Leo!" Jason gasped pulled them both into tight hugs. Piper cried out in pain, and Jason released her with wide eyes.

            "I'm sorry! I didn't know," Jason apologized. "Gods, Piper, I wish I had some ambrosia or something, and Leo, we've missed you! What are you doing here?"

            "I was sent to find Piper by my Dad," Leo explained. "Man, Sparky, I've missed you, too! Why are you here? How'd you even get here?"

            Jason put an arm around Piper's shoulders delicately as they continued to talk to each other. "I got worried about you, Piper. You didn't come back to the ship after you adventured out into town. I was scared."

            "What about the others?" Piper wondered. "Are they okay?"

            "Of course," Jason assured her. "They're all on the ship. We were just worried about you. We were so scared. We're glad you found you, though. I hope Leo will be coming back with us, too." Leo smiled.

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