(ANBU) Team Training

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Naruto sat on Shikamaru's bed with his team gathered around him. "So, let me get this straight. You're a Sunagakure Ninja but you're a Konohagakure ANBU?" Naruto asked. "Correct." Gaara said. "Why aren't you an ANBU there?" Naruto asked. "My father, the Kazekage, knows everything about his ANBU. And, since he doesn't treat me right, I sneak off here." Gaara said. "What do you mean?" Shino questioned. 

"I hold the Ichibi, the One Tailed Raccoon. And, because of that, my father and the rest of the shinobi and civilians tend to stay away from me." Gaara said. "That's so wrong. Naruto holds Kyuubi, the Nine Tailed Fox, but he has a lot of friends." Shikamaru said. "And a boyfriend." Naruto added, gripping Shikamaru's hand tightly.

Gaara looked at their hands jealously. 'I wonder if I will ever find someone to love.' Gaara thought. Shino glanced at Gaara and then back at Naruto. "It's settled. I now know who will be what in this team. Shikamaru, you're the strategist. Shino, you're the tracker. Gaara, you're the interrogator and torturer. I, Naruto, will be the team leader. Now, let's start training." Naruto said.

"How hard will this training be? Not that I'm complaining." Shikamaru asked. "Well, considering Gaara and I are jinchuuriki, you and Shino will have to work on increasing your chakra reserves and stamina." Naruto said. "What about you and me?" Gaara asked. "We'll work on chakra control. And, since we're ANBU, I believe we have a lot of Gen and Ninjutsus. We should also be pretty good in Taijutsu, no?" Naruto asked.

"Hai." All three said. "That's not good enough. We are going to perfect every jutsu, every battle stance, our chakra control, and our stamina. We will be the dream team of Konoha. We will be Team Demon. Got it?" Naruto asked. "Hai!" Shino, Shikamaru, and Gaara yelled. "Let's go." Naruto said. The four boys walked the streets with their masks on. They wore sleeveless black shirts, black ANBU pants, and black shinobi sandals.

Gaara's forehead protector was wrapped around his, Shikamaru's was wrapped around his left arm, Shino's was wrapped around his right arm, and Naruto's was wrapped around his neck. The villagers stopped and glanced at them. "I heard that they were the new ANBU team. I wonder what their team name is." One villager whispered. ANBU Beetle stopped and looked towards the villager. "We are Team Demon. The team filled with twelve year olds that can kill you in a second." Beetle said.

Deer sighed at him. "I'm terribly sorry for Beetle. He's a bit blunt." He said. "Deer, come on." Fox said. "Hai." Deer said, walking to catch up with his leader and boyfriend. 

They made it to a training field that was still being occupied. "Team Seven passes!" Kakashi says happily. "Kakashi, are you almost done?" Fox asks, walking out of the bushes. "Ah, Fox. Long time no see, eh?" Kakashi greeted. "You know him Kakashi-sensei?" Sakura asked. "We were on the same ANBU team." Kakashi said. "He looks out age. They all do." Sasuke said.

"That's because they are." Kakashi said. "You never answered Fox's question." Raccoon said. "Yes, we just finished. Do you mind if we watched? It could teach these two something." Kakashi said. "Absolutely not. We are ANBU. What we do is secret." Beetle said. "Beetle, I make the call. You may watch. It is just training." Fox said. Kakashi, Sakura, and Sasuke sat down beside the posts.

"Okay. Deer, Beetle. One hundred laps around the training field. Raccoon and I will start on tree walking and then water walking. We will all do fifty push ups, sit ups, and squats while wearing one hundred pounds on our arms, ankles, and chest. We will also be wearing them while Raccoon and I practice chakra control while you two run your laps. Get started!" Fox yelled.

Raccoon, Deer, and Beetle nodded and started on their exercises. Raccoon and Fox ran up the trees but were blown off. They landed and stared at their tree. "Too much chakra." Raccoon said. They tried again but they slipped. "Too little." Fox said. They took a moment and stared at their tree. They then ran up, reaching the top in a few seconds. As they looked for their teammates, they saw they were on their seventy-third lap.

"Water walking." Fox said. Raccoon nodded and they jumped out of their trees. They walked towards the small lake and stared. Raccoon placed his foot on the water and applied chakra. He carefully placed his other foot on top of it. He kept walking until he got the hang of it. "It's just like the tree walking exercise." Raccoon said. Fox nodded and walked onto the water. He stood in front of Raccoon and took a battle stance. 

"Let's fight on water. The first one to fall loses." Fox said. "Hai." Raccoon said, crossing his arms. 

Deer and Beetle were finishing up their laps. "Your boyfriend is tough." Beetle commented quietly. "Sh. He'll hear you. He as excellent hearing." Deer shushed quietly. "I heard that!" Fox yelled. Deer paled and ran a bit faster. "Come on, Beetle. We need to finish quickly." Deer said. Beetle nodded and they ran faster. 

When the four boys were done, they were all out of breath. Well, except for Fox. He stood there with his arms crossed. "Oi! I didn't say there was break! Get to it!" He yelled. Deer, Beetle, and Raccoon gulped and nodded. The four boys dropped the ground and started their push ups. It was hard for Deer, Beetle, and Raccoon because they never experienced weights.

"Wow, they train hard." Sakura commented. "That's why they're so strong. I personally trained Fox along with Itachi." Kakashi said. "What? He knows Itachi?" Sasuke asked. "Yes, yes I do." Fox said. He was wiping his forehead and looking at his teammates. "Team, that's it for today." Fox said. "Good. I'm starving!" Deer exclaimed. "Idiots." Raccoon and Beetle muttered. "Oh come on, lighten up!" Fox and Deer said cheerfully. 

Raccoon deadpanned. "I now see how you two are dating." He said. "We're polar opposites." Deer said. "Let's go eat. See ya later, Kakashi." Fox said. The four ANBU disappeared and reappeared in Deer's house. They all took off their masks and collapsed on the floor. "That was hard." Shikamaru said. "You're a slave driver." Gaara said.

Naruto smirked. "I try."



Words: 1069

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