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Every since I got up In age Music has been on my true loves. Music has a way of changing my mood immediately no matter what the situation is. Its like Music has always been there for me through everything. I listen to music to take my mind off the real world and the virtual world. Music actually helps me calm my anger down. I can play certain songs and get motivated then some songs bring back memories. Music has been a key component of my life every since i was in the real world. I sometimes like to sing the lyrics out loud not caring who hear. Music has really brought me through some tough times with the help of God. Music Is my addiction my drug. If I could I would marry music because that's how much I love music. When your gf or your significant other ignores you to talk to a irrelevant speciman you turn to your long time friend who has never betrayed you or let you down. All you need is Some headphones and some music i guarantee it will change your mood. Music has been a big influence in my lifetime. I have often turned to music and God to make big time decisions. I can honestly say music is what keeps me from lashing out on so many people. I think the way these music artist make their inspirational songs are acts of God. Music has been my biggest inspiration beside two other unmentionable people. It makes me laugh, Cry, and Angry but it all depends on the aspect of the song. Certain songs have meaningful messages behind them. The only way to figure out those subliminal messages is to actually pay attention to the lyrics. The lyrics of a song are so poweful It just really depends on how the message of the song is received. Everybody uses music in their daily life everyday. Music is a very important part of this society. I personally think if music was took away this world would be so messed up. There a Genre of Music for every Occasion. People use music for so many things through out the day. I have been amazed at some of the spectacular uses of Music. People sometimes misinterpret the lyrics and end up in big trouble. Music Is Just as powerful as Social media it can mess with your brain.

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