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Why would you wait a whole 4 months just to get someone back? You obviously want to put her through more bullshit. You should at least consider the outlook on the whole situation. Do you know how he feels that your trying to take away his pride and joy? Do you know how she feels with you putting stress on her about her happiness? You have to evaluate the whole situation before you react. For every action you make there's a equal or opposite reaction. Think about your actions. Do you really want her to suffer more pain? All these questions need to be answered. I feel like that person just tired of who they with. Just because you see her happy doesn't mean you ruin that.
You should want to see her happy no matter what. Whats the point of you tearing down some one happiness just to please yourself? I personally think your dead wrong for that. You can't just up and leave a person then expect to come back when you feel like it. The person you left has cried and  moved on like you should do. I don't see the reason you come back after so long and after you did that person dirty. I think you should move on with your life like the next person has. If you keep trying to reopen closed wounds its just gone hurt even worse.
I don't see why guys do that. There's a reason for everything but there is also a consequence behind your actions. Think of it like the Domino effect one right behind the other. Dude just face the facts that you lost a very special person. These people who have been done wrong by a significant other it did a number on their heart. Why would you do such hurtful things? It's real sad that you literally be having the other person in legit tears over your bullshit. You say you love this person but yet they have tears coming out their eyes. Why in the blue hell would you mess up their happiness just because you tired of your side piece? If you feel hit about anything in this chapter then its about you. If the shoe fits wear it. Its real stupid how you people treat the person or people who been down with you for the longest. Just because you see or have had it done to you don't mean do it to them.

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