Smile 😊

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Smile baby girl your beautiful. Don't let nobody tell you different. I admit I have called some girls ugly , but I didn't know what I was doing. The way you treat people has alot to do with everything. You can't call the next person ugly because you never know what they going through. The smallest compliment can change a person's life.
For example
If you call a girl you see walking down the street Ugly, and I just so happen she heard you. That same girl you just called ugly has been dealing with low self esteem issues now she running home. You just pushed her over the edge now she upstairs in her room bleeding to death or she hung herself. You find out the news and now you feel bad because the last words she ng heard was your ugly. You can't call somebody else names because you don't know what they have been through.
Another example
You tell another girl you she's fat because she's eating two foot long sub's. What you just did was insult a girl who already feels insecure about her weight. Now she is starving herself all because you called her fat. My point is you can't judge a book by it's cover , you have to read the pages to understand the story. Words are worser than bullets they penetrate deeper than bullets and they circle around in a persons head longer. Smile baby girl your a beautiful creation of God. There's some girls out here who are good at not letting it affect them but deep down it still hurts their feelings. Once you remember whose you are you have to worry about your insecurities. God said do not mess with my anointed. The reason you should be nice is because you never know how that person could impact your future. I say that because the girl you said that nice compliment could possibly help you become president. It is a very important reason to be kind and honest with people. You can't judge a book till you read the every chapter ,even then you still can't judge them. Its true everybody has a right to their own opinion it's called freedom of speech. Sometimes its just nice to keep your opinion to yourself.

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