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Why do people try to break up a happy relationship for somebody else? That's a question i need answered. Is there really a reason for people to get jealous of something that they can't have? If you see your Bestfriend happy with her significant other support her. If you say she's your Bestfriend you supposed to have her back not get mad at her. If you had a crush on her why didn't you tell her in the beginning. The way you started acting towards was fake asf. If you didn't want to see her talking to another dude you should have cuffed her. I don't see the point in trying to break somebody relationship when they happy. Are you that desperate and bored? Dude you are sick in the head. The way life is set up is you live and you learn. No one should have to watch out for bitter ass exes. The point I'm saying is Mind ya own business. I see most off yall be lying about having a life. If you had a life you wouldn't be worrying about any one else's relationship. You should at least have some business about yourself and stay out everybody relationship. The fact that you have time to try and sabotage someone else's relationship is just sad and say's alot about your messy ass. Why is it that you wanna see that other person hurt so bad. Bitter ass people always trying to mess up something that has nothing to do with them. You supposed to want to see your "bestfriend " happy not cause her misery. The way some people on this app treat other people is just a shame. If you really don't like that person ignore them instead of trying to sabotage their happiness. Bitter ass people I swear

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