Liars & Loyalty

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"Screaming where tf the loyalty at "

Liars & Loyalty

I don't understand the difficulty in just being upfront with a person. It's so crazy how comfortable people are with lying straight to people's faces and they get so deep in it that they begin to believe themselves. And I'm not even talking about just on Wattpad , it's just in general . People lie about the simplest stuff but claim to be so grown and mature. 😂 Then when shit hits the fan and the truth comes out then everyone is dumbfounded and no one knows who said what. Planet Earth would be a more pleasant place if people weren't big ass liars. Even people on here lie about where they work, their age, gender , personality , how much they make and it gets to the point where they actually begin to believe themselves ..... it's crazy. Then we have the people that cannot understand any circumstances just be loyal and down for their friends and/or boyfriend or Girlfriend.
Why the hell do you get in a relationship then? 😐Parody or not getting cheated on hurts like hell and it takes a toll on a person . Niggas got females out here blaming themselves and making them feel like shit just because they want their dick wet by the next bitch.
Same goes for females too . Y'all lie and hurt the person y'all claim to love so much and it's ridiculous bro. And some of these 2014 , 2015 friendships are jokes too. Y'all be out here sleeping with your friend's ex through another account, but log back onto your main account like shit cool as ice 😂😂 . Loyalty and Honesty is getting harder and harder to find . It feels like everyone is out being a snake and truthfully that's why I stay to myself.
The Question everybody wants to know is why?? There is a reason for everything a person does. You have built this person trust and confidence up only to tear it down. One of the most popular reason girls turn cold hearted towards niggas , because of being lied to and the disloyalty.

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