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"SURPRISE!!!" my parent shouted in excitement with a huge grin plastered on their faces. I blinked, looking at them in puzzled as I step out from the car. We were parked outside of a dark chocolate roofing double story terraced house with creamy beige wall, green lawn front yard with a concrete pathway leading to the main door of the house.

"A gift for my baby birthday" mum said as she hugged me while I still froze on the same spot. A house for my 19th birthday, wow! who could ever dream of that? This is awesome much! I couldn't believe it myself either.

"And a graduation gift as promised" dad said walking with a dangling key towards me. My eyes widen in shocked. Dad points his index finger toward the garage, a shiny red Mazda CX-5 parked elegantly in front of the garage. I gasped, unable to react for a second. The next thing I know I'm shrieking, jumping up and down in excitement.

"I love both of you so much!" I hugged and place a kiss on both of their cheek.

Hand in hand with mum on the right and dad on the left, like a 5 years old kid, walking into the house. It was amazing, the house was furnished in simple design home furniture, not fancy and bulky, it's simple enough for a teenager to live comfortably. My parent pampered me too much, maybe because I am the only child. We are not rich but an average citizen, just enough for our family to have a comfortable life. But a month ago, dad strike jackpot, the prize was huge, dad donated some to a charitable foundation, some for my saving and theirs. But still, I couldn't believe they would spoiled me this much, I'm truly happy for it but at the same time feel bad about it, make an oath to myself to return their loving deed for them after I got my degree or master or maybe PHD. Hmm.. Scrap it, a Degree will be fine.

We walked upstairs, there were three bedrooms up here, we stop at a door and mum asked me to open it to check my bedroom.

"SURPRISE!!" a female voice shirked and jump onto me with full force hug that cause me stumble backward.

"Ali?" I looked at her in confused once she release me. Grin plastered on her face as her eyes were wide open twinkled in excitement and wasn't bother that her front hair fringe would easily poke into her eyes as her long straighten waist length brunette hair fall smoothly behind her back.

"She'll be staying with you until you graduate from university" Dad explained "Well, until both of your work or what so ever would be fine too" he smiled

"Seriously?!" I shriek. How can this be more fun staying with my BFF!


After our quick lunch, mum and dad bid me goodbye with hugs, kisses and tones of advice as they drop me off my now new home. They were leaving for Europe Tour the next day for several months, thanks to the jackpot prize money, mum dream to be able to travel across Europe is finally fulfill. My heart ached to follow but my class starts in next 3 days.

I let out a heavy sigh as I lock the door, swallowing all the thoughts and imaginative scene that I'm actually on my own now. Walking towards the living room, I saw 4 girls sitting at the couch with huge grin plastered on their face, looking at me in excitement. They are my bestest friends since junior high school and we attended the same university in this city as we planned.

"Clo, I couldn't envy you more" Wendy Wong commented. She's American born Chinese, with dark silky black bob hair with slightly dark purple highlight on the tips of her hair, suits her big round black eyes and her petite body.

"How about all of you stay here?" I offered.

"I'm on scholarship, so have to stay at the campus" Samantha reminds me. She's the smartest among us all, perfect straight A's students. She's blond with a very pretty neatly wavy chest length hair. She doesn't look or act like nerd, instead of spectacles, she wore contact lens and her favorite contact lens color is grey and used that color often.

"I'm her beloved roommate!" Lizzie proudly announced. She's blond too but highlight with light brown color which make her newly perm big curl look more attractive. Her hair was slight over her shoulder. Her newly highlighted light brown color make her brown eyes more striking.

"Liz, I still can't believe you would choose to stay in campus with a curfew. You're such outgoing person" Alicia stated

"Frat Boys, my dears" Lizzie replied by fanning her hand on her face action which make us burst out in laughter.

Wendy let out a heavy sigh "Asian parents are damn strict, I have to stay with my Chinese aunt under parent ordered."

"Lucky me, my parent trusted Clover family and agreed for me to move in here"

"Of course! Both of you are neighbors for your entire age" Lizzie pointed out

"Trust me, even if its 100years, my parent won't leave their child on their neighbor care, what more if living in a house with no adult" Wendy sighed and Samantha gave her a soothing pat on her back.

"Anyho.. CLAWS still together" I said happily.

"I'll mark this uni with CLAWS! Mark my words!" Lizzie said in determination. I have a bit doubt on that, this is not high school anymore.

CLAWS stands for Clover which is me, Lizzie, Alicia, Wendy and Samantha. The first alphabet from each of our name and combined it which make CLAWS. It was Lizzie idea though calling ourselves CLAWS; five of us had been besties since the start of our junior high school, thanks to the science teacher whom group us together for 3 month long of project, we became close and trust each other more than any of our friends despite on our personalities, attitude and socializing status. We never expected we can click in and fond a strong friendship bond.

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