Do You Love Me

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Last night Andy spent the night and not giving me a good chance to buy a test I wake up and he's fast asleep and I sneak out of bed and go on the balcony and get on my laptop. I have an email from my mom 

Dear Babygirl,

Hey I haven't heard from you in forever and I am sorry I have been busy but how are you and Andy because last time we talked he asked you out whats going on :)

Dear Mommy :)

Haha I miss calling you that, I am great and me and Andy are perfect we had a beach date but there is something I need to tell you, I might be pregnant I know I am stupid but I will find out for sure soon

I close my laptop and sigh I can't believe I told my mom I might be pregnant over an email I go into my room and Andy is asleep I go downstairs and see a note on the fridge "Figured you and Andy can hang out all day since he's taking care of my little girl" I smile this is my chance to leave and take a pregnancy test I make him eggs and bacon and set it out with a paper towel over it and make him a note "hey babe I had to go to the store I want some pop-tarts :P I made you breakfast I love you be home as soon as I can" I make myself presentable and get in the car and drive to the nearest Walmart and I pick up like four pregnancy test and S'mores Pop-tarts  go to the check out and buy them I go to the restroom and I go into the car and lay them in the passenger seats and lay them on napkins it takes three minutes and time is killing me I get a text from Andy "Hey babe can't wait to see you, love the breakfast" I smile knowing that in a matter on minutes I could ruin his life with a little stick hopefully if I'm pregnant he'll be happy but I won't I want to go to college it's July 15th and almost the end of summer soon I will go home and go live with my mom but I might want to be with Andy goodness I shouldn't be stressed at 19 finally it's been three minutes and I look over at the test and It still doesn't show the answers the test take four minutes I wished I would of seen that now another intense minute time is moving so slow if I was pregnant would I keep it abortion is not an option but maybe adoption but then again I don't think I could let someone take care of a human being that I created I mean I had sex as a young age this would be my consequence but it's not like it's going to be a punishment I am sure if I am pregnant I will learn to love the baby but I will be happy if I am not it will make me think twice before having unprotected sex. At the corner of my eye I see the two test changing into lines and the other two changing into word I look at them all and they have the answer and I knew it I couldn't believe it I was pregnant

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