Good morning

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Cullen yawned when he sat up, his palms rubbing the weariness from his eyes. The Inquisitor lay curled beside him, a smirk on her lips.

"Good morning, darling." He leaned in for a soft kiss. Her fingers wound through his hair as she kissed back. She moved closer and the sheets slipped from her body. She hummed her approval when he placed a hand on her hip; her nails running lightly across his chest made him shiver. Breaking from the kiss, he rested his forehead to hers. Her half-lidded eyes beckoned to him. He grinned.

"Look, we, uh, we have a big day ahead of us. I've only got time for a quickie before inspection so—" He blinked when he realized the sun was brushing her face. It must've been close to noon. "Sweet Maker, what time is it? Good grief. Are you kidding me? And the bloody roof's leaking again." He nearly tore the blanket off him in frustration when he stood. "Bloody hell! All right, come on, let's go. Up. Chop, chop; let's be having you. I, uh—I don't mean. I didn't mean to, um... not that I wouldn't want... oh, Maker's breath!"

It was too early for this.

She laughed when she joined him; her hand came to rest on his chest. "So you do want to?"

"Want to what?"

She raised an eyebrow and her hand slid lower.

"Oh. Oh. I, well—um. I mean, if you want to..." His cheeks burned and he cleared his throat again. "But it is rather late and I, uh—we both have things we need to attend to."

"They can wait." She leaned up on her tiptoes and kissed him again.

"I..." He paused to think even as his arms wrapped around her. "I suppose you might be right."

She grinned as she tugged him back towards the bed, her soft features breaking with laughter when she pushed him down onto the mattress, her body following soon after.

The others could wait.

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