Sweet Interruptions

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Elysse smiled as the steam from the bath curled the edges of Cullen's hair. His head rested on the edge of the deep tub, eyes blissfully closed. Perhaps 'tub' wasn't the best word for it. The monstrosity—a gift from a group of Orlesian nobles—was larger than their bed.

She came up behind him and kissed his temple. He was humming something familiar though she couldn't name the tune.

"Room for one more?" she asked.

He looked at her with a lazy grin. "You might be able to squeeze in but I'm not sure if that robe of yours will fit."

She laughed, the silk already fluttering to the floor. Cullen's hand steadied her as she slipped into the water. Her feet were barely inside when his arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her against his chest.

"You're in a good mood." She nuzzled under his chin, enjoying the circles his fingers drew along her back.

"No attacks on the keep, no missing scouts, a hot bath after a long day, and a beautiful woman in my arms—why wouldn't I be in a good mood?"

Elysse smirked, unable to hold back the teasing, "So you've stopped fretting over the grey hairs?"

The speed in which his grin turned into a pout made her snort with laughter.

"You had to bring that up, didn't you?"

"Yep!" She beamed, looping her arms around his neck. She brushed her lips against his own, paying special attention to the scar she loved. "Will you ever forgive me, my darling?"



"No," he repeated.

"Not ever?"

His eyes narrowed as he considered her. "Well... there are a few things that might change my mind..."

Hands tightened around her hips and she grinned against his neck. His hands had grown a bit softer, her body a bit rounder, but his touch still managed to rouse a sigh from her lips.

"Mmm, I'm listening."

"Well, it might start with something like this." He kissed along her neck and she shivered at the pleasant scraping of his stubble. "And it might continue with something like this." He jerked her closer until their bodies were flush. The water splashed around them.

"Liking it so far," Elysse whispered, her fingers digging into his hair.

"And then—"

He stopped at the distinct sound of a creaking door.

"Maker's breath," she hissed, dropping down into the water. "I thought you said she was asleep."

Cullen groaned, hands falling from his wife's hips. "She was."

A little girl of three stumbled into the room, dragging a stuffed nug behind her.

"Did you have a bad dream, sweetheart?" Elysse asked, fighting the urge to groan and hang her head. Even when they were fighting Corypheus, she and Cullen had managed to find more time together.

"I wanna 'nother bedtime story," Myra yawned, rubbing at her eyes.

Cullen caught Elysse's wrist when she started to reach for the forgotten robe. "I know it's my turn." He tugged her in close for a kiss, laughing against her lips when their daughter made a blech sound.

"You won't find it so gross when you're grown," Cullen said. "Now turn around and count to ten."

The little girl's blonde curls flopped about her shoulders as she did as she was told. "One, two, three—"


"... four... five..."

Cullen laughed and kissed Elysse again.

She leaned back to give him space, admiring her husband's toned backside before he wrapped himself in a towel.

"Keep the water warm for me?" His voice was lower than it had been and it made her shiver with anticipation.

"Don't I always?"

Cullen smirked before turning around and catching Myra up in a hug.

"You're all wet!" Her squeal turned into a giggle when Cullen showered her face with light kisses.

"That's what happens when you interrupt mommy and daddy in the bath." He carried the girl over. "Now give mommy a kiss good night."

Elysse offered a cheek, grinning at the wet smack of lips.

"Night, mommy."

"Good night, sweetheart."

Cullen gave her one last wink before sweeping off with the little girl.

Elysse rested her chin against the edge of the tub, grinning when she heard her husband's voice break in his attempt to sound like an elderly woman as he spun the tale of when mommy saved the world. 

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