Coerced Confessions

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Don't worry, the spymaster had said. Skyhold is a fortress. We can see any intruders for miles to come. I have my people watching out for her. Blah, blah, blah. How could she, of all people, not understand what was at risk? All it took was one dagger in the night, one dose of poison, one well-timed push and their Inquisitor could be lost forever.

Cullen's chest tightened at the thought. He wouldn't let that happen.

"How can you be so calm?" he asked, following her through the main hall. His grip tightened around the pommel of his sword. Every glanced and nod in her direction set him on edge. Andraste blast the Orlesians and their incessant need to wear masks.

"A few months of facing down demons every day does that to you. Plus there was the whole magister of old trying to take over the world with his archdemon pet—everything after that seems a bit boring in comparison." Elysse came to a stop in front of the door up to her room and smirked, laughter in her eyes.

"This isn't a joke."

"Cullen, the Inquisition was going to make enemies. I knew that the moment Leliana held that sword out to me. After seeing all the political loopholes Josephine jumps through, the whispers that echo from Leliana's crows, what your men report from the corners of Orlais and Ferelden—I'm actually surprised this hasn't come sooner."

"I don't see why this stops me from being on your guard."

"Having the Commander watch over me because of a rumor? You can't see why that might give the wrong impression the Inquisition?"

"It shows that we'll protect our Inquisitor; that we care about your safety."

"Or that we're scared of shadows."

When she turned to leave, his frustrations boiled off his tongue.

"Maker's breath, Elysse; is it really such a terrible thing for me to want to protect you? Politics and rumors can go hang for all I care. What's important is that you're safe. If anyone were to hurt you when I could've prevented it... If anyone were to take you from me..." A lump formed in his throat. He forced down the emotion in contained, not wanting her to hear his voice quiver. "I couldn't bear it. Andraste forgive me, but I'll see the Inquisition fall before losing you."

Elysse's hand slipped from the door, her green eyes widening with each passing second.

"I—" Cullen flushed and took a step back. "I–I mean. Um... that is..." He coughed and rubbed the back of his neck, mind scattering as he tried to pick up the pieces of his blurted confession. "The Inquisition would fall if I—if we lost you, so um..."


He averted his eyes. He couldn't look at her now. What would be there? Pity? Rejection? Perhaps not even that much.

Soft fingers brushed up against his cheek. He blinked and turned to her, her fingers cool on his burning skin. She said his name again and his heart squeezed. He put a hand on top of her own.

"Please," he whispered. "Let me watch over you until the threat is passed."

Silence fell between them as she stared up at his eyes. He wanted to give her proper words, full emotions: You're the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. My heart aches whenever you leave and doesn't stop till I see you again. I've never felt anything like this.

She slid her hand from his face only to twine her fingers in his.

"You know, Commander," she said, her usual smirk returning, "if you wanted to come up to my chambers, you only needed to ask."

"What? I–I didn't mean—"

Pressing her lips to his, she swallowed the rest of his words. With a sigh, he pressed her up against the door, savoring the thrill of tasting her lips. He'd wanted to kiss her since their first meeting at the war table when the candlelight had made her green eyes glow like the rifts she closed.

Her lips remained parted when she pulled away, slightly redder than before.

"I suppose having you with me tonight wouldn't be the worst thing in the world."

Cullen laughed, letting his forehead come to rest on hers. "I do aim to please, Inquisitor." He blinked at his words then blushed at her knowing smirk.

Maker's breath, this was just going to keep happening, wasn't it? 

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