9:00 PM

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"Jimin," Yoongi whispered in his sleep.

His head was full of pain as he dreamt on. He kept seeing Jimin but was confused. He didn't experience this before. He saw memories and memories, yet he couldn't recognise them. He saw Jimin, sometimes he didn't. He thought he saw strangers with blurred faces. He never knew it was Jimin the entire time. He didn't realise Jimin was a big part of his life since he kept reappearing in his memories he began to remember. Yoongi's head ached more and more and soon became unbearable. He spilled tears, muffled shouts of help, threw punches in the air.

"Yoongi!" Jimin dropped whatever he was holding. "Yoongi!" Jimin ran to his side quickly and tried to calm him down as he did before.

"Jimin," Yoongi cried.

"Hey Jimin!" Seokjin answered the phone cheerfully.

"Come now, please! Bring everyone," Jimin quickly spoke and hung up.

"Jimin!" Yoongi clutched onto him as hard as ever.

"Yoongi," Jimin felt tears fall. "Yoongi, it's okay, it's okay," Jimin was panicking. "I'm here, okay? Yoongi,"

Jimin looked around for the emergency bag. He found it under the bed and quickly took it out, finding the syringe the doctors refused to say what was in it. All he knew that it would calm down Yoongi. He quickly took off the cap and pushed the needle into his upper arm and pushed the medicine in. The guys finally came in, frantic. Seconds later, Yoongi began to calm down.

Jimin noticed Yoongi began having episodes a week or so after they felt like everything was finally falling into place. Seokjin, Namjoon, Mark, and Taehyung helped carry Yoongi onto the bed. Jungkook was busy trying to calm down Jimin who was crying hysterically.

It was too overwhelming for Yoongi to handle. Too many memories wanted to be remembered at once. It was too much for his head. Seokjin was busy talking with his doctor and Jungkook was too busy trying to make Jimin calm. Mark was sitting beside Yoongi. Namjoon was getting cold water for Jimin. Taehyung was in shock and didn't know what to do. The doctor advised Seokjin to give him anti-psychotics to keep his episodes to a minimum. All of Yoongi's memories came back, he was too confused and overwhelmed to process it all.


here are the descriptions as promised:

Pen Pals (Yugyeom)

"I know I shouldn't have opened this letter but I was curious because of the address. This letter doesn't belong to me but I wanted to write you back. The person you decided to write to doesn't live in the address given. He's the one who used to live in the house I live in now. Sorry to disappoint, but I hope we could continue to write each other and maybe become friends.

Read Your Letter Later,


In which a boy reads a letter not for him and becomes pen pals with a girl living across the world."

Fanboy (Yoonmin)

"@luvlovelyz: @peachychim is talentless tbh

@princemini: @luvlovelyz suck my toe hoe #WeLoveParkJimin

Seconds after Yoongi shut his eyes, his phone went off.

@peachychim: thank you @princemini and to all those who created #WeLoveParkJimin

"I'm dreaming, aren't I?"


In which an ultimate fanboy gets noticed by his idol."

for Fanboy, I've only got 5 parts.

for Pen Pals, I've got 20.

happy choosing!!

if I were to vote, I'd vote for Pen Pals. I really like that one, it's new and the ideas flew fast. the flow is smooth and transitions are graceful. i reread my parts and I honestly love how it captures the idea of excitement, anxiousness, happiness, and love. yugyeom's. character is more on the cute side yet it changes up from cutesy aegyo to Kim Yugyeom: Dance Machine and Chris Brown Lover.

that's just my opinion though. if you want to see why i think that, vote Pen Pals.

if you want to see more of yoonmin in a different setting, vote Fanboy

happy choosing!

let's take a vote:

yugyeom (Pen Pals)


yoonmin (Fanboy)


this is liz, out

9:16 PM ↦ yoonminWhere stories live. Discover now