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My name is Brooke Dai (pronounced day) and I am 16 years old. This may sound a little melancholy, but I was diagnosed with depression my freshman year of high school. I have been "suffering", I guess you could say, from Trichotillomania (AKA: TTM). In case you're wondering what that is, it's a disorder that involves recurrent, irresistible urges to pull out body hair. In my case, I pull out my eyelashes. I do take antidepressants for everything I just explained, so that's something I guess. Weird...yes. Creepy...probably. (I may sound like a psycho for telling you this, but this just happens to be my life. If you don't want to hear anymore then I suggest you go elsewhere.) Anyway, I really hate myself for pulling out my eyelashes, but like I said. I can't help it. But, yeah, that's kind of all of the depressing stuff in my life, so I'm just gonna get on to the good stuff.

I have two best friends. A guy and a gal. The girl's name is Danni Rodgers and the guy's name is Nick Royce. Danni is the kind of best friend that's the complete opposite, yet the exact same as you. Nick just happens to be my boyfriend and, well, our story will be explained later. We all go to Creek Falls High School, which just so happens to be located in Florida (Go Wolves). It's honestly a shitty town, but I mean...what can ya do? I have two younger brothers, Tyler and Cory, ages 11 and 12. We live with my mom, so you've probably already guessed where I'm heading with this...Yep, my parents are divorced. Good stuff, right? I'm just kidding. It's terrible, but also kind of a relief. Sometimes. My dad gets us every other "weekend", and I say weekend in quotes because it's technically not a weekend. We go with him Thursday-Monday morning. Confusing...very. Trust me, I'm right there with ya.

Danni has two siblings as well; Dylan and Carly. Dylan is 21 and Carly is 18. Danni And I connected way back in our 7th grade math class and have been tight ever since. Now, Nick kind of has a complicated family line, so I'm just going to skip over him and his life. Mainly because he's more secretive than anyone I know and I'm honestly still trying to find out more about him. I'm still trying to figure out if that's a good thing or not.

So...yeah! This is my background. Welcome to my own personal and confusing hel--, well, I guess it's not really a hell.

Welcome to my own personal utopia...I guess you could call it.

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