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Besides the howling of the wind and the croak of the toads, there was no sound to be heard dead in the night. Emerging from the cave that seemed to be a dark abyss from just peering inside, the silver-scaled dragon slithered out of its home in search of dragon fruits that surrounded the cave for its young.

Her large cat-like glowing yellow eyes peered all around while she slowly crept outside, careful not to make a sound. The gigantic beauty had a frill starting from the top of her head all the way down to the tip of her tail, with talons on the bottom of both magnificent wings.

As she walked across the natural-made stone path that created a bridge to keep her dry from the sparkling body of water beneath, a huge gold fish jumped out of the lake, flopping to its side as it wriggled around in the air before splashing and falling back into the deep waters.

The forest had a scenery that almost looked enchanting. Green vines wrapped around the tall trees were decorated with tiny flowers of all sort of bright colors while the fireflies flickered on and off, creating a sparkling affect to those who saw it.

The gentle beast tore off a few fruits from the cactus-like plant, but dropped it when she heard a high-pitch screech. Spreading her silver wings, the dragon started to take off. Rising into the air, she was nearly across the lake when she felt pain starting from her chest and spreading all over her body.

Screeching and shaking violently, she started tumbling out of the sky. The dragon could no longer hold up her wings nor stop herself from falling into the dark lake beneath her. As she fell, the water drowned out her cries and swallowed her up. The water splashed outside and drenched the nearby reeds, until the lake calmed and all was quiet again.

Never once had she seen the body rustling in the bushes, watching her every move. Setting down his bow, he pulled out another arrow dipped with poison and grinned. Another one down, only a few more to go.

AN: I promise it won't be this depressing XD Not much happened yet but don't worry. The adventure is about to begin!
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