BD- Island

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Bill and Dipper just started dating after Bill came back in human form. He's still a demon though, and still does demon shit when he needs to. Dipper is now 19 and Bill, well he's about 1.3 trillion years old but thats not the point. He looks about 20. Its Bill and Dippers 6 month anniversary and Bill wanted to surprise Dipper with a vacation to paradise island.

Dipper's POV

"Pinetreeee" Bill whined up at me

"What" I yelled from the attic of the mystery shack

"Hurry up" Bill continued to whine like a child

"I'm almost done" I lied as I threw my empty back pack on the bed. I haven't even started. "I'd be quicker if you'd tell me what were doing

"Whats the point of a surprise if you now where were going" I heard his voice clearer as he walked up the stairs to me

"ug" I sighed. "Then you pack for me" I threw my backpack at him

"how am I supposed to know what you want?"

"How am I supposed to know what I want when I don't even know where were going?"

"Fine!" he threw the backpack back at me. "Pack warm cloths"

"Thank you" I said annoyed as I dug in my closet for a clean pair of shorts. "Do I need a swim suit?"

"uh, yeah"

"Ok" I packed a swim suit and shorts with a teeshirt

"And bring shoes to walk in to"

"k" I threw my good shoes in the bag. "What should I wear now"

"What you have on Is fine"

"Cool" I was already wearing shorts and a sleeveless tee, alone with my signature hat

"Ready?" he asked. I threw my backpack on and turned around


"Alright," he took my hand and snapped his fingers, teleporting us somewhere. When we 'landed' I realized I couldn't see anything.

"Bill, what the" I reached up to the blindfold and started to take it off

"Hey!" he yelled, prying his hand away "Leave that on"

"Why" I whined, now being the one to act like a child

"Just give me one second"

"Ugg" I groaned, sitting down on the, sand? Were we at the beach! I excitedly thought. I hadn't been to the beach in a while. It felt pretty hot to. Were we in Hawaii, California, Mexico? What is he planning-

"Alright Pinetree, open up." I quickly took the blind fold off and gasped at the sight. 

"Oh my god!" We were at a beautiful beach, the sand was pitch black and the water was whiter then white. The contrast made it even better. "Holy shit Bill, Are we at-"

"Punaluu Black Sand Beach, on the Hawaii Island"

"Wow" I breathed in. It was beautiful. My eyes landed on Bill, who was already in his swim trunks and standing the water

"Well don't just stand there Pinetree, hurry up and get in!" I quickly stripped out of my clothes and put my swim trunks on. I ran over to the water, letting my feet sink in to the black sand before jumping in with him. We swam out a little deeper to where I could just barley touch the bottom. Bill had no problem though, because he was a lot taller then me. I looked back at the beach.

"Hey, Bill"


"how come no one is here? I thought this was a tourist hot spot?"

"Are you really asking the demon how he did something as simple as keep a few humans away from a beach?"

"Well I-"

"Magic, Pinetree"

"Yeah yeah" I splashed him

"Oh really, you wanna start that" he splashed me back and before I knew it we were in a full out splashing war. I was winning until he used magic to make an enormous wave crash down on me. When I came up I was coughing up the salt water

"Really, did you *cough* have to do *cough* that"

"Aww come on, I'm sorry Pinetree" he chimed, picking me up bridal style and carrying my to shore. We sat down on the black sand for a while, digging our feet in to it and holding hands. 

"Alright" he stood up "Ready for part two?"

"that depends, does it involve giant waves crashing on me" I asked still a bit 'salty' from the water fight.

"Aww come on" he nudged me "You still had fun." I smiled, then started to laugh

"Yeah yeah" I stood up.

"Great, come on" he snapped his fingers and we were both dry "Change out of your swim trunks"

"K" I obeyed and threw on my shorts, tee shirt, and walking shoes. "Where to?" 

"Its just down that trail"

"alright." we started down the trail, holding hands and walkign in silence for a few moments

"Hey Pinetree"


"Do you know what the sand back there is black?"

"Um, cuz its made of lava rocks and-"

"Eh, wrong"

"No I'm pretty sure thats why-"

"thats what the humans drummed up to cover up for the anomaly"

"What anomaly"

"This one" bill pushed back dome leaves to reveal a lava pool, swirling in a strange formation

"What the?"

"Cool, huh. I figured you'd lie it since your so in to the whole 'super natural' thing"

"What is it?"

"A portal, to the dark dimension. Obviously  you can't use it unless you fire proof though" he gave a small laugh. "Its where all the black sand comes from. Not your stupid lava rocks"

"Whoa Bill, this is pretty cool"

"Yeah, it is isn't it"

I took out my journal that I kept with me and sat down. I sketched a picture of the lava portal, along with writing down the information Bill ad told me. I also made a few observations of my own

"Do you like it"

"Yeah" he leaned over and kissed me, then let me get back to writing

"Happy anniversary"

"I love you Bill"

"I love you to Pinetree"

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