Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 - The Switch


 We waited in the lobby in silence.  It's been eight hours since Ivan's surgery and  Anna and I never left the hospital. We were both hungry, tired and heartbroken. Anna was fidgeting with her sweater and I was playing with my hair, habits that we both had since we were young. 

The doctor finally called us to his office. We sat down on the two chairs that were both faced in front of his desk. He clasped his hands together and cleared his throat before talking.

"Yes well, Ivan's surgery was a success. We were able to fix his ribs and he should be able to walk again very soon." when the doctor said those words both Anna and I lit up from our seats. We hugged each other and smiled. I was relived and joyful, for a minute I allowed myself to be happy.

Little did we know, our happiness was soon about to be ripped apart.


We both froze and sat back down. 

"We were not able to save his eyes. When he got hit by the car, it damaged a nerve in his body causing his vision unable to function. I'm sorry to say this, but... he is blind." the doctor looked at us in sympathy and then left the room.

I glanced over at Anna, she stared at the wall with emotionless eyes.

"Anna..." I said, trying to get her attention. I held her hand and gave it a squeeze.

"Anna, were going to get through this.Every things going to get better, and you and Ivan will get marri-"

"AHHHHHHHHHH"  I wasn't able to finish my sentence as Anna screamed out in pain. She dropped to the ground, her hands in the air. She sobbed as she banged her fist on a nearby wall. I quickly went over to her and panicked. I tried to pick her up. but she defied me. I could feel her pain, seeing her like this made tears fall down my own eyes.

"Anna listen to me, it's okay. Every things going to be okay." I tried to calm her down, but it made things even worse.

"No, no its not okay Eliza. Ivan is BLIND! Nothing will be the same again!" she yelled.

"I know Anna, I know. But you know what, he needs you right now, I think you should go see him." I dragged her to the door but she resisted.

"No Eliza, No. I can't face Ivan anymore..." Anna whispered.

"What? Why, he needs you more then ever."

"NO! I'M NOT GOING! I don't have the confidence to be with him anymore Eliza... I can't take care of him." Anna looked at me as she said those words. I dropped her hand and balled my hands into fist. Anna stayed quite while she stood up and started walking to the door. 

" Wait, Anna you cant do this, what am I suppose to tell Ivan!" I called out to her.

 She didn't reply. She didn't tell me good-bye or tell me where she was going, she just left.

Just like that she disappeared from Ivan's life.

I pressed my back against the wall and shoved my face into my hands. I let the tears fall down on my cheeks and sighed.

What was I suppose to do? How am I suppose tell Ivan that Anna left him, how am I suppose to even talk to him? He probably hate me! 

Think Eliza, think!

I was distracted from my thinking when a nurse came up to me and tapped me on the shoulder.

"Excuse me, Miss. Anna, Mr. Ivan would like to see you." 

"Oh I-" she didn't allow me to reply as I was being dragged down the hallway and placed in front of Ivan's door. She walked away leaving me alone.

I looked at the door handle. With all my might I got the courage to finally open it. I slowly went inside and saw Ivan laying on the bed, staring at the ceiling. He just laid there, not even noticing me.

He really was blind.

I dragged my legs across the room to his bed. I could feel the guilt wrapping around my neck as I stood there. I didn't know what to say, I didn't know what to do. I was helpless and afraid. Ivan turned his head and faced me, not saying a word. His chocolate colored hair brushed up against his hazel eyes as he placed his hands in the air. He was trying to feel for something, anything, but felt nothing. 

He tried again and this time his hands were just inches away from mine.

I couldn't take it anymore, I wanted him.

I grabbed his hand and squeezed it. He quickly looked at my direction and tears dropped down to his cheek.

"Anna?" he asked, gripping my hand even tighter. I closed my eyes and sighed.

"Yes I-Ivan, it's me Anna." I lied.

He smiled and took me into a hug. He squeezed me hard and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"Ivan..." I whispered as he pulled me onto the bed.

"Anna, I missed you..." he said, grabbing me for another hug. I could feel the tension in room, and I could feel the guilt building up inside me.

There was just no way I could let Ivan get hurt. I had to lie to him straight to his face. Straight into his heart. This was the only way I could help him.

"I missed you too Ivan." I told him, letting out a tired smile.

The Eliza that was once apart of me was gone, from now I can only be Anna. I talk like Anna, feel like Anna and act like Anna. There is no more Eliza, Ivan didn't need Eliza in his life, he needed Anna.

I went to the store and purchased a perfume like Anna's.

I cleared out my closet and replaced them with clothes like Anna's

I even went as far as to chopping off my long locks until they reached my shoulders like Anna's

When I looked at myself in the mirror I saw that I was a spitting image of Anna. 

From now on, I was Anna.

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