30 | Shocking truth Part 1

Start from the beginning

-"You're already in here so you can stay with me at least for five minutes" he pouted and I just couldn't say no.

I wanted to have fun so I splashed water in his face which caused a fight because he started splashing water in my face as well. We were both too stubborn to stop so he took both my hands in his when I wanted to splash more water on his face. He looked me in the eyes and his face came closer to mine. I knew what he was trying to do. He tried to kiss me. But I just couldn't let this happen again. Only one more day till I'm free.

I turned my head to the side so his lips touched my cheek. His touch always feels so right and it gave me the confirmation that I made the right decision. Anthony was the one I want to be with and not Landon.

"I'm going home" I said and climbed out of the pool and Anthony followed me.

-"I'll give you some of my clothes you can't go home in these clothes you're soaking wet" Anthony said and I nodded. He gave me a grey pair of sweatpants and a white t-shirt that was way too big for me. I could probably use it as a dress and it would still over everything necessary up.

When I came home all lights were out which meant that Landon was either still out or he was already in the bedroom. When I opened the door to the bedroom he was on the bed fast asleep and with a sigh I laid down next to him. I took a deep breath inhaling the scent of Anthony that came from his clothes and with that I fell asleep next to Landon for one last time. 

The following day I received a call from Anthony who asked me if I could take care of him because he caught a cold. He sounded like he was about to die. Men just turn into little whining babies when they're sick. 

I haven't had the chance to talk to Landon today because he left to work early this morning way before I woke up. I have to talk to him in the evening. There's no turning back. When I reached Anthony's mansion a terrible looking Anthony opened the door for me. 

"I told you that it's not a good idea to jump into the pool in November" I said and crossed my arms in front of my chest. He just rolled his eyes at me.

-"Now I know that" he said with a stuffy nose and I had to hold back my laugh. That's karma Anthony. I have to thank my immune system for not letting me down this time.

"Lay down" I said and led him to the couch and put a blanket on him.

-"Lay down with me" he whined and reached out his arms for me. I swear he is a child.

"You have to take your medicine first" I said and went to the bathroom to take his medicine out of the medicine cabinet.

-"Wait I can get it myself" Anthony suddenly said and jumped up from the couch. He almost fell over because his legs got trapped in the blanket.

"I've said lay down Anthony. You called me because you need someone to take care of you so let me bring you your medicine" I said and he laid back down without arguing. He knew that arguing with me won't take him far.

When I wanted to grab the medicine I saw a little bottle in his cabinet. What the hell is this doing here? Why does Anthony own something like this? With the bottle in my hand and a million questions in my head I went back to the living room.

"What is that!?" I asked and held up the bottle so he can see what I was talking about.

-"That's nothing" He said and got up.

"Nothing? That's atropine Anthony! Care to explain why the poison that killed our son is in your medicine cabinet?" I asked. I tried not to raise my voice but I failed. He didn't answer my question. I want an answer.

"Anthony did you poison me?" I asked at the verge of crying.

"Answer me" I shouted desperately.

-"Yes I did. Remember when I made you the Orange Juice? I poisoned it but I swear it wasn't my intention to kill him Ella" he said crying.

"Why would you even take the risk?" I asked crying as well. I can't believe it. He was the one who killed him. My innocent son. Anthony was the last person who I thought was behind this. He killed his own son. What kind of reason does someone have to do something like that? There is no explanation for this that could justify what he did. Nothing is going to bring back the child that he killed.

-"I wanted you to think it was Landon. I wanted you to break up with him so I could be with you. I wanted us to be the picture perfect family. I didn't know that the dose would kill him Ella. Don't you know how bad I felt when I saw him laying there knowing that it was my fault!?"

-" You should feel more than fucking bad because you killed our freaking child!" I shouted and raised my hand slapping him across the face.

And in that moment and with heaving breathing I woke up. It was just a dream.

Wow I can't believe there's only 20 Chapters left of this story. Time passes to quickly...

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