Book Two- Prologue

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2 years ago...

Maya ran through the streets while shouts of protests filled the air. Her grip on her backpack tightened as she turned a corner into an alley. Maya instantly noticed a gutter and started scaling the side of the building.

As soon as her feet landed on the top of the building, she sprinted across the roof. She could see the men down below wondering where she had gone, but Maya didn't stop running. When Maya reached the edge of the building, she jumped and landed on the roof of the other building.

This continued until Maya was a couple blocks away from the men that had been chasing her. Maya slowed down and tried to catch her breath. Maya then took off her backpack and pulled a water bottle out. She eagerly drank the water to quench her thirst.

Maya put the water bottle back in her backpack before flipping off the roof and landing stealthily on the ground. Maya scanned her surroundings and realized that no one seemed to have noticed her jump off of the roof. Maya rolled her eyes at everyone's lack in observation skills.

Maya then walked across the street and into a park where she sat on a rock. Maya leaned back and decided to take this opportunity and relax. She had been on the run for only a couple of weeks now without a single break and now that she had just turned seven, she was dying to rest. Maya's eyes shut and she slept peacefully.

After a couple of hours, Maya sat up when she heard a noise. Maya looked around in confusion when she realized it was already dark outside and that the park was abandoned. She had been outside for too long. Thinking that the noise was from the men that had been chasing her, Maya prepared herself to run away.

As the footsteps grew louder and closer, Maya struggled to get her backpack strapped on tightly. Just then, a boy around Maya's age came out from around the corner. Maya looked at the boy in confusion. No one else was in the park, so why was this boy out?

Maya quickly hid behind the rock and silently scolded herself when she stepped on a fallen tree branch. The boy froze and looked around in fear. "Uncle Ben? Aunt May? Is that you?" the boy asked.

Maya watched the boy as he looked around. He looked around her age and had a messy mop of brown hair that fell over his gorgeous eyes. He was rather cute in Maya's opinion. This was the first time Maya had seen someone around her age this close in weeks.

At this moment, Maya's stomach decided to make a loud noise telling her that she was hungry. Maya's eyes widened when the boy turned and looked at the rock. "Hello?" the boy asked nervously. "Aunt May, Uncle Ben, this isn't funny anymore. I turn around for one second to find you two gone. Now come out so we can go home," the boy pleaded.

Maya let out a giggle. The boy thought she was his aunt or uncle. The boy titled his head in confusion when he heard the girly laugh coming from behind the rock. He instantly knew that whoever was behind the rock was not his aunt or uncle.

"W-who are you?" The boy asked as he took a step back. Maya, having realized that the boy was no threat to her, stood up and sat back on the rock. The lamp post was too far away for the boy to see what the girl looked like, but the moon gave him enough light to see her sparkling blue eyes watching him amusingly.

"W-who are you? W-what do y-you want?" The boy asked. Maya giggled and answered, "I should be asking you the same questions." The boy was surprised at how young she sounded and he instantly wondered how old this girl was. Did she pose a threat to him?

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