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"Hi, my name is Maya. . . Stark? Yeah. Maya Stark. I'm 8 years old and have already graduated high school. My purpose of this experiment is that I am on a mission to rescue Tony. Today, I will test my rocket boots for the first time. So, here goes nothing," Maya said into a camera that one of Tony's many robots was using.

It was the next day and Maya would never admit this, but she had fun with Rhodey the day before. Today, however, Maya had finished her rocket boots and decided to test it for the first time.

Another one of Tony's robots, one that was basically just an arm, was next to Maya and held a fire extinguisher in case something happened. Maya stared nervously at the camera before clicking the heels of her boots together. Nothing happened.

Maya frowned and looked down at the boots. She clicked them together again. Still nothing happened. Maya's frown grew and she started rapidly clicking her boots together. Once again, nothing happened.

Maya looked up at the camera and said, "Something seems to be wrong with the boots, so I'm just going to take them off and do another test tomorrow." Maya reached down to take off the boots when suddenly she was thrown in to the air.

Maya started screaming as her rocket boots went out of control. The robot with the camera focused on Maya as her body flew across the room. "How do you stop this thing?" Maya cried out even though it was her own invention and she knew very well how to stop it.

Without warning, the boots stopped in midair. "Oh no," Maya muttered before she fell and crashed in to a big pile of tools. The camera focused on Maya while she sat up angrily. The robot with the fire extinguisher rolled over to Maya and pointed the fire extinguisher at her.

"No. No. No. I'm fine! I'm fine!" Maya exclaimed at the robot, but he sprayed her anyways. Immediately, Maya was covered in foam. Maya wiped away the foam from her face and glared at the robot.

Maya then turned to the camera and yelled, "Cut!"


"Maya Stark here. This is test day number 10. . .hopefully this thing works today, so I can go rescue Tony soon," Maya muttered.

Maya took a deep breath and then clicked her heels together. The boots slowly ascended into the air and Maya smiled happily. "Yes!" Maya exclaimed in excitement.

Maya flew to one corner and was on her way to another one when a weird noise came from the boots. Maya looked down in time to see sparks fly out from the bottom. "I have a bad feeling about this," Maya muttered.

Suddenly, the boots started flying Maya all over the place, just like it had the previous 9 days. Maya flew through the air screaming until she landed inside of one of Tony's cars.

Maya sat up and saw that the world was spinning. She groaned and shook her head. When she opened her eyes, everything was still and Maya slowly got up. Maya stumbled out of the car and over to the camera.

"Test number 10 did not go so hot," Maya stated. The robot with the fire extinguisher rolled over to Maya and then sprayed her. Maya stomped over to the robot and took the fire extinguisher from its hand.

She then preceded to throw the fire extinguisher across the room. The robot stayed in front of Maya for a second before rolling after it. Maya sighed and looked back at the camera.

Life as Maya Stark • Iron Man's Daughter [ 1 ]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें