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"Isn't it beautiful?"


"What?" Obadiah asked as he turned to look at Maya who was tied to one of the tables in the room. Maya rolled her eyes and said, "It's like the ugliest thing I've ever seen." She then looked at Obadiah and smirked, "We were talking about you, right?"

Obadiah glared at Maya who only shrugged and turned to look back at the armor that stood in front of her. The armor itself was bulky and dull. Maya knew that Obadiah had taken Tony's first set of armor and turned it into his own version. In Maya's opinion, all Obadiah did was take her father's invention and make it fatter.

"So what now? You gonna kill me or...?" Maya said as she looked over at Obadiah. He furrowed his eyebrows and asked, "What are you up to?" "What do you mean?" Maya asked. "You're not even putting up a fight anymore. Why?" Obadiah asked.

Maya narrowed her eyes as she said, "My mother is dead, and Pepper and Rhodey only hang out with my because of my father, but you killed my father. Do you honestly think I have anything else to live for? So go ahead and kill me. It's not like I have anyone who still wants me around."

Obadiah stared at Maya in silence before smiling at her, "Now where's the fun in that?" Instead of killing her like Maya thought he was going to, Obadiah only walked right by her and over to his new armor. Maya watched as Obadiah put Tony's arc reactor in the suit, making it instantly power on.

He turned back over to Maya and gave her a smile. "What? You expect me to congratulate you?" Maya asked as she looked down at her fingernails, totally uninterested in the object in front of her.

Suddenly a loud boom was heard from behind Maya. Obadiah looked behind Maya with a worried look on his face. He then looked at Maya who was smiling at him. "Told you they would come," Maya told him.

Obadiah furrowed his eyebrows, "You knew they were coming?" Maya nodded her head as she said, "Come on, Obadiah. Did you really think I would be okay with death that easily?" Obadiah glared at the girl before running over to his suit and getting in.

Obadiah soon powered up the suit and disappeared, leaving Maya all by herself. Suddenly Maya heard voices and she couldn't help but smile when she heard Pepper's voice. "Pepper! Pepper! I'm in here!" Maya yelled as she yanked on the ropes that held her together.

Pepper came running into the room and immediately ran over to Maya. "Maya!" Pepper exclaimed as she undid the ropes. Once Maya was free, Pepper quickly pulled the girl in for a hug. "We got to get out of here," Maya told Pepper just as Agent Coulson and some other men came running into the room.

"Agent Coulson!" Maya smiled. Agent Coulson looked at Maya in surprised before saying, "Maya, what are you doing here?" "Obadiah took me and-" Maya was cut off by Pepper saying, "I think I found it."

Maya watched as everyone went over to stand by a small suit of armor. "Looks like you were right. He was building a suit," Agent Coulson told Pepper as the two inspected the suit. "I thought it'd be bigger," Pepper muttered. Maya shook her head as her eyes landed in the actual suit.

"Guys," Maya whispered making everyone turn to look at her. "That's not the suit," Maya told them. They all gave her confused looks as she pointed up at something behind them. "That's the suit."

And just like that, everything started going crazy.

Obadiah started to rush forward as all of the men shot at the armor. Pepper grabbed ahold of Maya's hand and the two started running for their lives. Despite the efforts of the agents' guns, Obadiah continued to pound after the two in his suit.

Pepper and Maya ran towards the door and made it out just as Obadiah had started to reach for them. He ran into the doorway and got his arm stuck in the door which made Maya sigh in relief. At least they would have a head start before Obadiah tried to kill them.

Pepper and Maya remained quiet as Pepper directed Maya out of the building. As soon as the two exited the building, they were greeted with cold air. Maya shivered slightly, wishing that she still had her jacket on from earlier today. All she had on was her white shirt, jeans and her boots that she had somehow been able to grab ahold of as Obadiah was dragging her out of the house.

"Pepper?" a voice asked making Maya jump. The voice sounded a lot like her father's, but as Maya looked around, Tony was no where to be seen. "Tony? Tony, are you okay?" Pepper asked as her hand went up to her ear. Maya instantly noticed the object that was in Pepper's ear and realized that Tony was talking to her over her ear phone. Maya smiled as she realized that that meant her father was alive.

"I'm fine. Have you found Maya yet?" Tony asked. "Yeah, she's right here with me," Pepper replied. "Is she okay? Is she hurt?" Tony asked worriedly. Pepper glanced at the girl who was shaking in front of her and said, "Except for being a bit cold, she's fine."

Maya instantly leaned forward so she could talk to Tony, "Tony?" Maya could hear Tony sigh in relief and whisper, "I'm here, kid." Maya couldn't help but sigh in relief as well. Both of them were relieved to know that the other was okay.

"Tony, Obadiah's gone insane," Maya said into the ear phone. "I know, Maya. Listen! Both of you better get out of there!" Tony told them. "But, Tony, he built the suit! It's like Mark I but like an uglier and fatter version of it," Maya explained.

"I know-" Tony continued to talk, but Pepper and Maya couldn't hear him over the sound of the ground breaking behind them. The two turned to see the suit of armor breaking through the ground. Obadiah stood up before looking at Maya and Pepper and saying in a deeper voice, "Where do you think you're going?"

Obadiah raised one of the armored fists and Pepper quickly stood in front of Maya before backing up. The two let out a scream as Obadiah brought the fist closer to them. Maya watched in horror as a machine gun started to move on the side of Obadiah's arm. "You're services are no longer required," Obadiah told the two.

Maya squeezed on to Pepper's arm as the two both awaited their deaths. Suddenly the three heard someone yell, "Stane!" They all turned to see Tony flying towards them in his armored suit. Tony instantly knocked into Obadiah and the two were thrown back into the ground.

Maya let out a holler as she smiled at Pepper. Pepper gave her a look and Maya raised an eyebrow before saying, "Come on, Pep. That was pretty cool." Maya then ran over to the hole and looked in, trying to see what was going on. To Maya's dismay, it was too dark to see anything that was happening.

"Tony!" Maya yelled, but she got no response. "Okay, so maybe I should have waited until after the fight to holler like that," Maya muttered as she turned to Pepper who was staring at her with wide eyes. Pepper then started to freak out, "Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god."

"Pepper, calm down. Tony just saved us from Obadiah. We're safe now," Maya told her, but Pepper wasn't paying attention to her. Instead, Pepper was staring at something behind her with wide eyes.

Maya turned to look at what Pepper was looking at. Maya's jaw dropped as she saw Tony's suit flying through the air with Obadiah's suit not to far behind him. Maya looked over at Pepper and swallowed thickly.

"I really need to learn to keep my mouth closed."

Life as Maya Stark • Iron Man's Daughter [ 1 ]Where stories live. Discover now