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Once Agent Coulson was out of sight, Maya turned to see Tony making his way over to her. "Two vodka martinis, extra dry, extra olives, extra fast. Make one of them dirty," Tony mumbled to the bartender. His face was flustered and he took a deep breath before turning to see Maya watching him excitedly.

"What?" Tony asked. "So how'd it go?" Maya asked. "How'd what go?" Tony asked. "You know. . . you and Pepper finally proclaiming your undying love for each other," Maya said.

"Okay, kid. I don't know what world you live in, but Pepper and I don't love each other." Tony hesitated before saying, "I don't love her."

Maya nodded, not believing him for one second. "So then why were you two looking at each other lovingly while dancing?" Maya asked. Tony remained silent.

"If you two don't have any feelings for each other then why did you two go outside all alone?" Maya asked. Tony avoided Maya's questioning gaze.

"If you two don't have any feelings for each other, why did you come in here blushing as red as a tomato?" Maya asked.

"Well. . .Tony Stark!"

Tony sighed in relief while Maya whispered, "This isn't over." Maya then turned around to see a very familiar lady. Maya's eyes widened when she realized that was the lady that had stormed out of Tony's house when Maya had first arrived.

"Fancy seeing you here," the lady said. Tony looked at the lady and Maya laughed slightly when she realized Tony didn't know who this woman was. "Carrie?" Tony questioned. "Christine," the woman dead panned.

"That's right," Tony muttered. "You have a lot of nerve showing up here tonight," Christine said. Maya rolled her eyes. "Can I at least get a reaction from you?" Christine asked Tony. "Panic. I would say panic is my reaction," Tony told her.

"I was referring to your company's involvement in the latest atrocity," Christine said. "They just put my name on the invitation, I don't know what to tell you," Tony told her. "I actually almost bought it, hook, line, and sinker," Christine spat. "I was out of town for a couple of months, in case you didn't hear," Tony stated calmly.

Maya chuckled at the sight. Tony was acting so calm while Christine was basically foaming at the mouth. "Is that what you call accountability?" Christine asked. She then handed Tony some pictures and said, "It's a town called Gulmira. Heard of it?"

Maya craned her neck to see the pictures. They were of Stark weapons being used. Some of the pictures had a clear shot of people using them and some even showed the destruction they caused.

"When we're these taken?" Tony asked. "Yesterday," Christine said with so much hatred. Tony looked hurt as he flipped through the photos. All Maya wanted to do was slap the lady because she was starting to get on Maya's nerves.

"I didn't approve any shipment," Tony told her. "Well, your company did," Christine spat. "Well, I'm not my company," Tony told her before walking away, pulling Maya along with him. Maya looked over her shoulder and glared at Christine. Christine just stood there with a smirk plastered on her face. All Maya wanted to do was slap that smirk right off of her face.


"Please, do you mind?" Obadiah asked to a bunch of reporters as he nudged them away. Maya stood next to Tony as he tried to talk to Obadiah. "Have you seen these pictures?" Tony asked. Obadiah looked at Maya who nervously grabbed on to Tony's arm.

Life as Maya Stark • Iron Man's Daughter [ 1 ]Where stories live. Discover now