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The days after her father announced to the world that he was Iron Man were pretty great in Maya's opinion. For one, Maya had gotten to go back to school. Sure the school part wasn't fun, but getting to see Tony scare the crap out of those boys that used to bully her with his Iron Man suit was what made it great.

Maya and Tony also got closer over the days that came after the press conference. After Maya got home from school, the two would spend hours together in the lab working on new Iron Man suits before they would go do something fun like watch a movie or go out to eat.

It was almost like Maya's life had become too good to be true. And maybe it had because a couple of days later, Maya was met by a strange man sitting on her couch in the middle of the night.

All Maya had wanted was a glass of water. Instead she was met by someone who had broken into her house. Maya froze at the bottom of the stairs and stared at the man with wide eyes.

How had he gotten inside? More importantly, why is it that every time Maya needs a glass of water there is some man in her living room? Maya sighed and muttered, "I really just need to get my water before I go to bed."

"Maya Wilson," the man said with a smile. Maya tensed up at the last name and images of her mother flashed through her head. "It's Maya Stark now," Maya told him as she walked right by him and towards the kitchen.

Maya returned a moment later with a cup of water in her hand. "How did you know my name?" Maya asked before taking a sip of her water. The man chuckled and said, "I know a lot about you, Maya." Maya rolled her eyes and muttered sarcastically, "Well that's not creepy at all."

The man chuckled again and Maya narrowed her eyes at him. She didn't understand why he was acting so calm. He had broken into her house and he didn't even seem to care. "You know I could call the police on you. You did break into my house after all," Maya told him.

"But you won't," the man replied. "Why's that?" Maya asked. "Because you're a smart girl. If you had thought I was dangerous you would've gotten your father down here a long time ago," the man told her.

Maya narrowed her eyes and said, "What's stopping me from going and getting my father right now?" The man smiled and gestured towards Tony's room, "Go ahead. I need to talk to your father anyways."

Maya stared at the man before saying, "You do know that my father is Iron Man right? He could literally blast your butt all the way to the other side of the US if he wanted to." The man's smile never disappeared as he replied, "Oh, I know." Maya gave the man a confused look and said, "Okay. You're kind of weirding me out right now, so I'm just going to go get my father."

The man only nodded in response and Maya put her water down on the table before going to wake Tony up. Maya knocked on the door and said, "Dad." When Maya didn't get a response, she just shrugged and walked into the room.

She was instantly met with the loud snores of her father. Maya walked over to the side of her father's bed and said, "Dad, wake up." She then shook him roughly, but he wasn't even fazed. Maya groaned and then muttered, "Hey, J.A.R.V.I.S.?"

"Yes, Miss," J.A.R.V.I.S. responded. Maya smirked at Tony before saying, "Can you blast some AC/DC and turn on all of the lights?" "As you wish, Miss," J.A.R.V.I.S. said.

At that moment all of the lights in the room turned on to their brightest settings and AC/DC music started blasting through the speakers. Maya laughed as her father jumped in surprise and then fell out of the bed.

Maya quickly went over to her father and Tony groaned before looking up at her. "You know, I'm having some serious déjà vu right now," Tony muttered as he used his hands to shield his eyes from the light. Maya giggled and said, "Okay, J.A.R.V.I.S., you can turn off the lights and music."

The lights and music then turned off and Tony slowly took his hands away from his eyes. He got up and looked at the clock before letting out a groan. "You better have a good reason for waking me up at three in the morning, kid," Tony told Maya as he went to get back in bed.

Maya smiled and walked over to Tony, "Actually, I do have a good reason." Tony looked at her expectantly and Maya realized that he wanted her to tell him, "Oh, sorry. There's some bald guy sitting on our couch."

Tony gave Maya a confused look, but got up anyways. Maya quickly grabbed ahold of Tony's hand and dragged him to the living room where the guy from earlier was now standing up. The guy had his back turned away from them, but he must've heard them coming because he said, "I am Iron Man."

Tony looked at the man confused and moved Maya so that she now stood behind him. The man turned around and started walking towards the two while saying, "You think you're the only superhero in the world? Mr. Stark you have become part of a bigger universe, you just don't know it yet."

"Who the hell are you?" Tony asked. Maya tried to step around Tony, but he wouldn't let her move away. Tony held on to Maya as he stared at the man. If this man was going to pull an Obadiah Stane, he sure as hell wasn't going to get his daughter this time.

The man walked forward into the light and Maya was finally able to get a better look at him. He was a bald and muscular man with an eye patch over one of his eyes. He was all dressed in black and he gave Maya a quick smile before saying, "I'm Nick Fury, director of S.H.I.E.L.D."

"You know Agent Coulson?"

Fury looked down at Maya and nodded his head, "Yeah, I know Coulson." Maya smiled and Tony could've sworn he heard her mutter excitedly, "He used my acronym."

Maya then looked up at Fury and tilted her head in a way that a puppy did when confused. "I have a question," Maya said. "Go ahead," Fury told her. "Why are you here?" Maya asked. Fury smiled and looked back up at Tony.

"I'm here to talk to you about the Avenger Initiative."

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hello, everyone! I just wanted to thank you all for sticking with me through this first part of the book. yes, you read that right. this is only the first half of the book!! just in case you forgot or totally skipped over the note in the prologue, I talked about how I will be writing a sequel based on Iron Man 2 and it will be written in this book.

I'm going to take a little bit of time off though just to plan out what I want to happen in the next book and then I will be uploading as soon as everything is sorted out which will hopeful not be that long!

thank you all again for reading my first book and I hope you all liked meeting Maya Stark because she is going to be around a whole lot! if you all don't mind, could you maybe leave me a comment or two with your thoughts on this first book and what I could do to improve the next book? I love reading your feedback and that would just be amazing if you all commented!

anyways, I hope you all are having a wonderful week and I can't wait for you all to follow Maya and the rest of her story as she is introduced to the people she will grow to call her family! :))

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