Chapter 8: Chicken tacos

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"Chicken tacos?"

"I came for chicken tacos and I will get it." He sounded determined. I couldn't help but laugh

"How did you know I was anemic? Or was that just a lucky guess?"

"No I saw prescribed iron tablets in your room the other day and just presumed" Kol explained

"Also, why did you come today Kol?"

"You clearly needed me to save you from him"

"I didn't need you to do anything for me. Mikael seemed nice" I tried to defend him

"You're right. He's nice. But nice isn't what you're after."

I didn't say anything because I didn't have a sassy comeback to that. I didn't know how to argue that because it was true. I didn't want Mikael.

Kol pulled up at the drive through and ordered two chicken taco meals. He parked just outside a little where we stopped and ate our tacos. The food was messy but it tasted so good.

"Look. If you really did like Mikael then why did you have a getaway plan with Zafrina?"

"I was trying to get away from you." I retorted

"If you really feel that way, then ask yourself this: why are you here with me now eating tacos and not with him?" 

"Hello? Free chicken tacos in a Lamborghini. Which by the way I am spilling lettuce all over" I confessed looking down on the floor. Tacos were messy choice of food.

"Ha. Don't worry about it." He chuckled "I gotta confess this car isn't exactly mine, it's my brothers. The three of us are insured on each others cars and like to switch it about time to time."

"You seem to know so much about my family why don't you tell me about yours,"

"What would you like to know?"


"Okay, so oldest is Sayid. 28. He owns this car right here. He did pharmaceutical chemistry at Kings College and then started helping Baba out after he graduated. Then it's Wael, he did some sorta business degree and is still working with Baba with the whole industry. He's 26 and just got married."

"Do your brothers and their wives still live with you?" I asked

"No, both my brothers moved out after getting married. So it's just me and my sisters at home now" he smiled "Wael has a pick up truck. Not nearly as fancy as mine and Sayids. Then we have yours truly, me. 24. Pharmacology, working for Baba. You see a trend?"

"I do indeed," I laughed "it's nice that you all work together though. As a family."

"It is. I'm really close to my brothers." Kol took a sip of his sprite before carrying on "Okay so then we have Sofia, 19 doing some fluffy art and design subject"

"Hey, don't dis. It sounds interesting!"

"Yeah I guess, she got amazing grades and decided to do art. Like I can't think of anything else more dead end."

"She's a smart girl. I'm sure she'll be fine. 'In Shaa' Allah"

"Yeah. So then comes Eliza, 16, still in high school and Sara, 13 about to start high school."

"How come you guys moved from South Hampton to here?"

"Baba felt it was better for everyone. And we've always liked London. Such a lively city."

"I see," I said as I slurped on my drink. I was finished my tacos and was very satisfied indeed.

"You ready to go home?" Kol asked, I nodded my head yes. I put my seatbelt back on as he took the rubbish to throw away.

I put the window down while he was driving to feel the breeze on my face. The sun was shining so Kol's sunglasses were back on my face. He had some light music playing which had a nice beat. I liked hearing about his family, they sound so nice. I wondered what it must have been like to grow up in such a big family. Especially as the middle child.

Kol dropped me off right outside my front door. Like he had no fear of my parents confronting him, he knew he was smooth.

"I don't know what to tell my mum about Mikael," I sighed, hesitating to get out the car

"Tell her the truth. He wasn't your type" Kol replied

"She's going to be so disappointed. Like I failed her." I buried my head into the palm of my hands

"Hey no. Don't see it that way. He just wasn't good enough for you. You need to find someone who is and take it from here" he reassured me. His smile was the kind of smile that made you felt content. Like I was the only person in the world worth his attention. But catching feels for Kol at this moment would be a very dangerous mistake to make. I've never had feelings in that way for anyone before, I've always been so focused on my career. Even if I did have feelings for him, it would be wrong. He said before he's already got someone in mind and that it's a work in progress. Those words echo back to me and I'm brought back into reality of Kol and his reassuring smile. He's just a friend. A nice friend. And that's all he was ever going to be.

"Thanks for the lift," I say as I got out his car

"No worries," Kol drove off into the main road into the distance, just as Navid pulled in.

"Hey, you just came home now?" Navid asked as he parked. I was still outside the door as I didn't have house keys with me.

"Yeah, we actually went to get some food." I said

"Right." Navid said in an extended sigh "What did you guys talk about?"

"Nothing much, just his family and that." I said in a small voice

"And...?" Navid said as he handed me back my keys

"And nothing Navid. He's just a friend. That's all." I say as I unlock the door. Navid knows to keep him mouth shut about this in the presence of our parents, but undoubtedly he'll ask me more questions later.

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