⚡️House warming party Part 2//Truth or Dare⚡️

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"Let's just get ready to start"Aphmau says "wait....start what?"I say "The game? You don't remember?"Zane says "all I remember was eating a piece of my cake,It was really good and then I was here"I say. "Wow,what was in that cake!?"katlen says "Heheheehehe kawaii~chan know hehehehe kawaii~chan put a lot of sugar hehehe"kawaii~chan says "KAWAII~CHAN!!!!! How much sugar did you put in it!! I SAID 1/2 A CUP OF SUGAR!! AGHHH KAWAII~CHAN!!"I said really loud "kawaii~chan put 2 1/2 cups of sugar. Plz don't be mad y/N~sempie!!!"kawaii~chan said"ok kawaii~chan I'll let it slide. Wait then
why isn't everyone else super hyper?"I ask "uhhhhh kawaii~chan doesn't know y/n~sempie "kawaii~chan says. "Well then what are we playing?" I ask "were playing truth or dare"katlen says "WHAAAAAAT?!"I screamed everyone looked at me like I'm crazy. "Uhhh I...I...left my oven on I gotta go turn it of hehe"I say. Hopefully the excuse will work."oven? Kawaii~chan remembers that all the ovens were turned off y/n~sempie,kawaii~chan doesn't know what you mean?"kawaii~chan says confused. "Hehe not gonna work y/n you already agreed" Aphmau says "oh my Irene,this isn't going to go well."I say then everyone laughs except Zane. "Okay,I think I'm ready!"I said confident."I just hope it's not like last time I played"I mumbled
"OK so the game is simple you ju...."Aphmau started "WE ALL KNOW THE GAME!!"everyone shouted in illusion,except me. "Uhhh I wasn't referring to you guys I was talking to y/n!"Aphmau said kinda annoyed. "You don't have to explain it to me! I already know!"I said "except last time it was not very fun" everyone laughed. "Well then let's get started!"katlen says "yeah let's get this over with,Aphmau you start! Because you started this party!"I say I really did not want to be first to pick someone, although I had a really good one. "Ok,truth or dare y/n"Aphmau said "oh no,um dare." WHY THE HECK DID I CHOUSE DARE?! AM I INZANE hehe get it in Zane hehehehe. "I dare you......for Lucinda to throw a freeze potion on you and we get to dress you as a boy!"Aphmau says "WAIT....W...."I tried to finish but Lucinda threw a potion on me. "Hehehe"Lucinda said smirking "always ready! But this only last 20 minuets so hurry!"
Aphmau through a black and gray jacket on me,it kinda looked like what Zane was waring....weird. Then Aphmau took of the scarf. "AGHH! No no! My scarf!" I mumbled I couldn't really move my lips. Then Zane brought a replica of his scarf and put it on me. Phew...wait a minute was I dressing up as one of the boys here??! I hope it's not Zane .He was handsome...AGH I doing that thing again! I tried not to blush when he put the scarf on. I smelt like cupcake! I wonder if he likes them because i LOVVVVVE cupcakes even more then cookies the thin ones! It smelt sooo good! They tucked my hair into my scarf. Then Lucinda threw a shoe switcher I couldn't see the shoes! Who the heck was it?
*19minuets later*
"Hehe only a little time left!"Lucinda said "Quick take a picture!"Aphmau said wow....*SNAP* Then I was unfrozen! YESS! "Phew that was a long time"I said then they showed me the mirror. "So do you know who you are"katlen said I looked and I blushed super red. "I...I....I'm going to go...to the bathroom okay....."I said and I ran super fast I didn't even know we're the bathroom was but I just ran,and I tripped,right next to a coffee table about to hit my head but I was caught...by...ZANE?! "I quickly stood up "Z...Z...Zane?"I said "t...thanks." He blushed and I blushed like a tomato. I didn't know what to or when kawaii~chan would come over and do her fangirl section but I just didn't want to let go. But we did. I looked a Zane and looked at my self.They even did the hair right. They even know about how we both have blue eyes. The scarf, the hoodie. Everything looked like him. Kawaii~chan,Aphmau, and katlen came running with Lucinda and the boys behind them. Zane was way taller then me but he looked just for me...what am I thinking! Aghhh! Kawaii~chan saw me and Zane blushing and fangirled; Typical Kawaii~chan. We went back to the truth or dare set up. I'm glad that section was over,but i still had to wear Zane's clothing. "okay,truth or dare katlen?"I ask "truth!"katlen says proudly. "Is it true that.....you like anyone here?"I ask her "uhhhh............."katlen says "HEY YOU HAVE TO ANSWER THIS ONE KATLEN! DON'T BE A WIMP!"Aphmau shouted quietly (idk how you shout quietly but just like deal with it!) "Finnneeeeee......I like everyone! Everyone is my friend!"Katlen says with a smirk "really katlen really" Travis says "heeheh what I answered the question!"katlen says. "Well then I guess she did answer it so you get to truth or dare someone."I said "Okay! T or D Lucinda!"katlen asks "What!!!! Okay fineee! Dare!"Lucinda answers "I dare you to throw a cat potion on you!"katlen says "I got this" I say, I look inside my potion bag and find the cat potion. "Here! *trows* *SPLASH* there you go!" I said "wait you have potions!?" Lucinda ask excitingly "Yep,actually I make them and once you said you have a magic shop! Wow that's incredible!"I said " also I like witch craft! And magic also!" Everyone looks at me like they wouldn't expect it coming from me. "Really?" Laurence asks "yep! Wanna see my magic? I'll prove it." I say smirking. Hehe he doesn't know what's going to lift him up! I concentrate pointing to Laurence and then *swoosh* he's up in the air hovering above the floor. "Is that prof enough?"I say "no,still not confined"he says looking down "probably a fan,or a wire"he says "oh? Then why don't we do some things that will change you're mind"I say smiling. Then *poof* he's a cat "hehehe *poof* proof enough?"I say changing him back. "Yes"he says dissy. Everyone laughs. "Oh my Irene!!! This is amazing!!! Now we can do magic together!"Lucinda says "Yep now let's get on with truth or dare"I say. "Okay truth or dare Garroth?!"Lucinda says "hmmm truth"he says being a wimp. "Is it true that you like katlen?" "No?"he answers "phew"katlen says. Everyone laughs we played for a long time until it came back to me. "Truth or dare?"Lucinda says "uh-oh,hmm dare"I said still having no idea why I said that again but ok. "I dare say you to jump of this house into the swimming pool."Lucinda says "ummm I just remembered I left my fridge open...."I say "Awwwww is y/n afraid of hights?"Aphmau says in a childish voice. "N...no"I said studding. "Scary cat!"katlen says "HEY! That's offensive" Lucinda said everyone laughed "I will jump of you will see!"I said bravely what did I just say! I was afraid of hights!! But it was too late now I was already on the rough no way down because they took of the ladder. "Are you sure this is safe?"I said "Yep!"someone replied I couldn't tell from a rough but I had to jump. 3......2.......1...GO! I jumped in the pool making a HUGE splash and no benefit I was all wet. I held my breath and swam up. "I...AM NEVER DOING THAT AGAIN!"I said kinda loud "Wow not as wet as I thought you would be"Aphmau said "well *snap* I'm not wet at all now."I said. "Yass girl you know what I would do!"Lucinda said, I love that girl. "Hehe,Magic is so fun!"I say
"Well I guess that's it for truth or dare!"Aphmau says "wow really phew,I really don't want to jump of of buildings!"
"Scarrrrdyyyyyy cattttt!!"katlen says "ughhhhh"I said "STILL OFFENDED!"Lucinda said everyone laughed.

Thanks for reading!!!!!!!!
Word count:1,432

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