Grim reeper//ghost//❄️snowed in❄️🌨

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(Y/N pov)
"Well it's been a wile and...I think I should leave now."I said heading to the door. I opened it and smash* snow fell all over me. "AHH!"I screamed "HAHHAHAAHA!"all of the boys said in unison. And I threw a snow balls at them. "HEY!"Laurence said "HAHAHAAHAHAHHA!"I mimicked "but this is serious! WERE SNOWED IN!"I yelled the last part! It was kinda a big deal for me because...wait a minute HAHAHAHAHAH! Never mind I could prank them hehe...

"So we're snowed in? Wanna play on the play station...Mario cart?"Laurence said with a smirk on his face. "Sure."I said grabbing a controller. "Losers has to do one thing the winner tells them to do."he said "DEAL!!"I said competitively. We played and played until Laurence knocked the controller out of my hand. "HEY! THATS CHEATING!"I said "sooooooo....."he said with a grin. Eventually Laurence....garroth...and Zane tied...ugh oh no. "HA I WON!"they all said in unison. I sunk back into the sofa. "Only one thing ok."I said "finnnnnnnneeee"the said in unison. They went in the kitchen and talked. I just sat there and played Minecraft on my phone. (Yeah I play minecraft all the time okay don't judge me!)

(Laurence's pov.)
"GUYSSSSSSSS! WE WON!"I half whispered. I honestly thought I wouldn't. "I KNOW WHAT WE COULD DO!!!"garroth said jumping up and down. Then y/n looked at Garroth like he was 5. "You okay guys?"y/n asked "yeah" they all said in unison. "We make her be our maid for 30minuets!"garroth says and we look at the's a mess."that's a great idea Garroth!"I said cheerfully. This was going to be good....HAHA!
We go back to her and she's playing minecraft on her phone. "HEY Y/N!!!"I scream "AGHH!!!"she screams and falls of the couch. Hehehe. "W...why would you do that?!"she said out of breath.

(Your pov)

"W...why would you do that?!"I said out of breath. I'm going to get them back sooo bad! And I know just what to do! Hehehe...."So....we figured out what you have to do..."Laurence says with a smirk. "ughhh....."I say knowing that they have to tell me one thing to do...uhhhhhhhh. "You...have to be our maid for an hour."garroth said "okaaaaayyyy?"I said. that is not what I was expecting... "SO GO CLEAN THE KITCHEN!"Laurence said and jumped and ran to the kitchen. I found a mop and some soapy water...they really had this planned didn't they...

(10 minutes later)

At last I'm done! Phew* I'm all dirty...WHAUSHDJHEJEHFJEHRJ! ...sorry for that put I was very mad. "I'm done!"I said and they rushed over and...slipped..."pffff...oopsss I forgot to put a wet floor sign..."I said. Getting annoyed they got up...but slipped again...."hahahaha! This is too funny, and I didn't even plan this out!!"I said dying with laughter! But they finally got up...haha..."that is a slippery situation that you've gotten yourself into Guys."I said and started dying again. "Very funny y/n but this is great did you do this? I didn't know someone like you could do this!"Zane said. "Well...I did plan a lot of pranks when I was a kid, and I kinda gotten use to cleaning up stuff....wait...I mean I made a l...lot of m..mess yeah that's it!! Hehe."I said making a fool out of myself." P...pranked A....A lot? Like how much..?"Garroth said "Ummm not important..."I said quickly "ooooookkkkaaaayyyyy?"Laurence said "Anyway make us cupcakes!!!" I knew we're Laurence was going with this and then...he would make me clean again....BUUUUUTTTT I do like making cupcakes soooo. *____Zooom___*
(20 minuets later)

"YAYAYAYYA IM DONNNNEEEEE! AAHHAHAHAH MY WONDERFUL CUPCAKE TRY ONE!!!"I screamed and everyone jumped. "AGH!"they all said in unison "hehehe I LOVE BAKING!!!!"I said breaking there ear drums. Hehe I'm doing this on purpose. After a spilt second Zane came running to the kitchen and slipped...hehe "AGH! I thought I dried!"he said getting up and I tried not to laughter but couldn't keep it in. "HAHAHAHA!!! again....because...of my....OCD..."I said between laughs. Then Laurence and Garroth started laughing too. "OCD?!?!"they said and I got embarrassed...but also mad that they judge me! Ugh...but before I know it zane is eating one of my cupcakes..? "You really do like cupcakes don't you?"I said teasingly. "HEY! I CANT LIKE WHATEVER I WANT OKAY?!"Zane screamed and I backed away...but me being an idiot almost fell down. But...I bent back up! "WHHHAT?!"they all said in unison. "HOW DID YOU NOT FALL?!"Zane said surprised. "Ha! Unlike you idiots I can balance! I learned it from my slippery pranks...I mean ice skating! He he!"I said "IS ALL YOU DO IS PRANKS?!"Garroth said "!"I quickly said and being stupid I fell. "HAHAHHAHAHA!"they all said in unison. "HOW DOSE THAT FEEL?!"Laurence said with a smirk "ITZ KARMA XD!"Zane said and I got annoyed so I did a back flip and got up. "Well, at least I don't suck at cardio!"I said and all of there mouths dropped. "!"Laurence said and then I looked back at what I just done and questioned it...what? Have they never seen a backflip? Did I go to far??!! But then I wad like naw....I'll show more moves!! Hahahah! And then I did a cartwheel and a front flip! And landed on the couch! "THE MAGNIFICENT Y/N HAS LANDED ON THE COUCH BECAUSE HER TIME IS DONE!"I said and they all looked at me..."what?"I questioned "You should be in a talent show!!"garroth said and then Aphmau appeared out of nowhere to. "DID SOMEBODY SAY TALENT SHOW?!"Aphmau said and I jumped of the couch and onto the floor but didn't fall. "W...WHAT THE ACTUAL HECK?!"I screamed. She just came out of no we're! "ITS ME! APHMAU. YOUR HOST OF THE ANNUAL TALENT SHOW!"Aphmau said "we had an annual talent show?"Laurence said not even surprised but I could tell Zane was...wait why could I tell that?! "THE NEW ANNUAL TALENT SHOW! SHOW YOUR TALENT!"Katelyn said and once again I jumped but back on the couch. "W...WERE D...DID YOU COME FROM?!"I said very confused. What the heck is happening?! "You haven't seen them do that before?"Zane said and I turn around to see him but..."HEY Y/N-sama!! WOULD YOU LIKE TO SIGN UP?!"Kawaii-chan said "AGH!"I screamed and to my surprise I tripped...and did a backflip. (I play too much Minecraft story mode) "Y/n-sama how did you do that? Kawaii-chan is impressed."kawaii-chan said. "You really do need to be in a talent show girl."Lucinda said and I just lost it. "WHERE ARE YOU COMING FROM??"i said with so much confusion. "You really haven't seen them do that?"Laurence said " but I'm t...totally not scared at all...n...nope not a tiny bi...."I started "Your not?!" Aphmau says "What in the world is going on? Can somebody please tell me?" I said "MAGIC!"Aphmau said and I face palmed "This...was MAGIC?!"I said "duuuuhhhh!"Lucinda said "well...this is embarrassing..."I said and sat down. "Well anyways someone said talent show right?"Katelyn said and I jumped. "Nope no! Not here! He he..."I said "actually I did..."Laurence said "Nooooo...." I mumbled "y/n~Sama? Are you scared?"kawaii~chan says "Me?! Pffffff....never ever....nope never....he he."I said stuttering. "Okkkkaaayyyyy........." Katelyn said "anyway, We are now hosting A TALENT SHOW! Yes a talent show! Be there tomorrow at 4 byeeee..." "okay? Bye..."I said and she disappeared. Oh no....wait what is a talent show....Aphmau is planning something....something bad... speaking of the devil, Aphmau disappeared. Soon enough everyone just disappears...why can't I do that! Huff! "HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA! You were totally scared!!!!"they all said in unison. "Oh my god you guys like say everything at the same time!"I changed the subject. "Mhm... you changed the subject like immediately. Common were you really scared of them?"Zane said. ""I started and my voice dropped "Wait what?"garroth said "I wasn't scared of them i was scared of...of what they were saying...."I said and the looked at me like I was crazy..."they didn't answer my question...what's a talent show?"I said I was really confused I didn't know what a talent show was. "So your saying you don't know what a talent show is?"Laurence said about to crank out laughing. "Is it on stage?"I said "'s like a..."garroth started "...ITS a nice place were there is no people watching you..."Laurence finished. "Really? Phew* that's an relief. I mean not like it matters at all."I said. "Mhm"they all said in unison..."well I guess I'll have to practice. also,this is a sleepover now? Unless I can do that crazy's like next level magic."I said "Sure."Zane said this was payback time....hehehehe....

(Zane POV)
Wow my trough is dry....I'm going to go get water. *walking downstairs* I got a glass of water and then I heard a swoosh. "Who's there!?"i said... and then I saw it right before me a...a...grim reaper...i dropped my cup and ran upstairs. "LAURENCE GARROTH! THERE IS A GRIM REPER IN OUR HOUSE!"I screamed I was terrified "WHAT?! A GRIM REAPER?!?!"Garroth said and swung up. "What time is it?"Laurence said very tired "its 3:01...why?"I asked "HOLLY MOLLY! 3:01!!!"Laurence screamed "yeah why?"I said  "THATS THE DEVILS HOUR!!!"Laurence said and I got more terrified. "THE DEVILS HOUR?!?!?!"I screamed oh god this was bad it was the devils hour...and I didn't know?! 3:00 seriously? " your saying t...that's the devils hour and t...there's a grim the house are you sure it was a grim reaper?"garroth said "I am absolutely positive."I said "what if it was you imagination?"Laurence said "no it was a grim reaper." I said. Those idiots...I SAW IT. I'm not crazy. "Well I'll go check and if it's not there...your crazy."Laurence said "ughhh finnnnnnneeee"I said. He's gonna regret that...

(Laurence's pov.)
Okay,Zane is crazy. I went down stairs to see if he's really crazy. I walked into the kitchen and saw a broken cup,probably Zane's haha he's gonna have to clean that! Anyway I looked around the house and saw nothing. So I headed to the stairs to brag about there not being a grim reaper and what I found was the opposite of what I wanted to see at this hour...a ghost. "AGHHHHHHH!" I screamed and ran upstairs as quick as I could. "A Ghost...A GHOST!??!?!?!"I screamed "I THOUGHT YOU SAID IT WAS A GRIM REPER! THERE WAS A GHOST!!"I screamed No no no....a ghost....there was A GHOST?! "A ghost? a grim reaper? a imagination! Yes."garroth said and Zane and I face palmed. "You know what... let's all go down stairs to see what's really there."Zane said so we did. Garroth was lagging behind because he was scared. But I had to admit I was pretty scared. We checked the hole house and no sight. And then in the kitchen there was rattling. "Who's there?"I said and then my phone was ringing. *rinnnngggg* *rinnnnnnggg* I looked to see who it was:
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"NO! NO! NOOOOOOO! 666!!! 6! 6! 6!!!!!! Nope no!"I said and everyone looked at me. "Answer it!"they said in unison.
And I did. "Heeeeeeeelllllloooooooooooooooo thhhhiiiiissss iissssss yourrrrrrr warningggggggggg."it said and hung up. And then Suddenly the light that was on top of me fell. "AGH!"I screamed and ran to the side. "THERE IS A GHOST!"I screamed "I KNEW IT!"I said "Oh why hello Zane,Laurence,and Garroth it is your time..."the grim reaper started. "Time for what?"Zane said "time to dieeeee MWUAHAHAHAHAHA!"the grim reaper said and his staff charged up. "AGHH! He is realll!"Zane screamed like a girl and ran. "Nowhere to hide hahahaha"the ghost said. And then suddenly started laughing but in a girl voice. "HHAHAAAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAA! I cant i cant take this this is too funny."the ghost said no the grim reaper idk and then the grim reaper took of his hood. "You guys should have see your faces!!!! It was sooo funny."y/n said?! "Soooo your not a "he" or are u?"I said "HEY I AM MOST LIKELY GIRL THANK YOU VERY MUCH."she said "you were so scary! I couldn't even speak."Garroth said "it's just a prank bro."I said "also I got it all on tape sooo BYE!"She said and grabbed a camera and ran outside to see we were no longer snowed in. "UGHHHHHH! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"I started "I knew she would get back. I think we all know that...

this is prank war."

Thanks 4 Reading
I most definitely will update
I'm sorry that this took forever
I was caught up on....umm...
That doesn't mater hehe
Well that's all for this chapter...
And when I post this I'll be starting the next one already
Word count-2 3 0 3

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