Chapter Thirteen

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"Can we talk?" Itachi nodded, moving away from the door to allow her in.


"It isn't your fault. It was my fault that I let my guard down."


"Please don't blame yourself. You didn't do anything wrong."

"Exactly, I did nothing. I should have helped you, I should've been there for you."

"You tried though! At least you tried, knowing that you did your best to help me. It's better than knowing that you did nothing but watch."

"But I didn't help you! You were bitten because I didn't come for you! I should have protected y-"

"Protected me?! Itachi! The whole point of me taking the damn ANBU exam was so I could protect myself and the others I love!" She yelled at him with clenched fists. He too, to her surprise, began to yell back.

"I know that! Dakara, I wanted to protect you because I care about you! I don't think you're weak, I just don't want you to suffer more than you already have!"

"I care about you too! Dakara, I don't want you to beat yourself up! I don't want you to pity me because I lost my family-"

"I'm not pitying you!"

"Really? Cause it sure as hell sounds like you do!"

"I just care about you! I don't want you to hurt anymore!"

"I care about you too! I'll say it as much as I need to to get you to understand it. But you don't need to blame yourself!"

"Yes I do! You have the curse mark now!"

"Is that what's bothering you the most?! That I have the curse mark?! You make it sound like everythings changed now that I have the curse mark!"

"Because it has changed everything!"

"No it hasn't! I'm still Sakura, I'm still alive!"

"I know that! Dakara, I'm going to fix everything."

"Fix everything?! You make me sound like I'm a broken toy or something!"

"That's not what I meant..."

"No, but you sure as hell think it. You don't even look at me right! I don't need you to be my knight in shining armour!"

"I'm not trying to be! I don't want you to carry a burden!"

"So I'm a burden now?! This curse mark is me! I don't give a damn about it!"

"I didn't say you were a burden! I said the curse mark is!"

"I don't care about it! I just want you to stop blaming yourself! Why can't you just accept that I have the curse mark?!"

"I don't want to live knowing that you have a curse mark because of me!"

"That's the point! I got the curse mark because I let my guard down! Not because you were knocked out!"

"Exactly! If I had paid more attention, I would've never been knocked out! Then I could've protected you!"

"I don't need protection!"

"Stop acting like you're invincible and just let someone help you out for once!" Sakura scoffed and folded her arms.

"I don't act like I'm invincible! I know I'm not! And who are you to tell me that?! You act like you can handle everything but the truth is, you can't! Don't tell me that I act invincible when you do!"

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