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"Hey, Akiko." 

"Hey, Akiko."

"Hey, Akiko-"


There was a book that was on the table beside the brown-haired girl that I was calling out to. The next second, it was flying towards my face. With the power of plot armor, I ducked to avoid getting hit. 

"That book was a hardbound!" I shouted. "You could have wrecked my face, or worse, KILLED ME."

The girl looked up from her book. "That would have been nice." She said before continuing to read a book.

I sighed as I stood up. "Don't you find it boring to be sitting here in the clubroom reading all the time?" After my question, she looked up from her book. "Gee, I don't know." She said sarcastically, rolling her eyes. "Maybe because we're in the literature club, am I right, vice-president?"

I gulped. "Well-" 

I'm at a loss for words here. She's throwing the "You're the second-in-command of the club, why are you not doing anything productive?"-card at me. To which I should best answer directly.

"I'm bored."

Akiko sighed and continued reading. "Then why don't you not stay in the boring clubroom every single day?" Oh crap, she brought out more italicized words, help me.

"Maybe because I'm bored out there as well?" I told her. "Or maybe because you're always here everyday as well?"

"I don't need your company." She said coldly. 

"You're cold, you know that?" I told her as I looked out the window and towards the football field. Outside was a practice match with one side wearing green vests and the other wearing red. "The football club is active today." I sighed out loud. 

Akiko snorted from behind me. "Want to join them?" 

"Very funny." I said with a fake laugh.

I turned around while still leaning on the window. "So, if the clubroom is boring, why are you still here?" 

"Because it's boring out there." Akiko said without looking up. "And because you're always here everyday."

"I-Is t-that so-" Flustered, I tried to turn around but my hand slipped from the windowsill and I felt my body fall to the floor and the back of my head hitting the wall. 

"Yo, what the heck." Akiko said as she stood up and looked down upon me. "Are you okay?" She asked me. 

"Of course I am." I said, trying to act tough. She had a smile on her face as she walked back to her seat. "I'm guessing you don't need help then."

From the way my arm was bending, it hurt like hell. "Come baaaaaaack!" I called out to her. Laughing, she turned around and pulled me up. "You suck, Nishii." She said, calling me by the nickname that she used to call me during our childhood days.

"Akiko, I am fully aware of that fact." 

The brown-haired girl with green eyes smiled at me. "You'll never survive high school at this rate."

"True." I, the black-haired dude with brown eyes, laughed. "Anyway, why are we the only ones in the clubroom today?" 

Akiko Chisaragi shrugged at me and sat down on her chair. I sat down on the chair opposite hers and slumped onto the table. "It's kinda lonely here now that I notice that everyone else is gone."

"Oh great, pretend like I don't exist." Akiko says sarcastically. "I regret being nice to you today." I looked at her in while chuckling. "Seriously? Still acting cold even though you were practically smiling at me a few minutes ago?"

"Whatever." She sighed as she put her nose back into her book. I smiled at her before closing my eyes. "Fine, I'll just sleep here then." I said out loud.

I heard her giggle a bit as my consciousness faded into the deep abyss of sleep.

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