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Elijah, Klaus and Rhiannon are in the study. The blonde witch has been informed about the new person in town, Lucien who is an old friend of Klaus's.

"And given the circumstance, Lucien qualifies as both friend and foe, and according to Freya's prophecy-".

"You are to beware both friend and foe. But let us not forget family, Niklaus" Elijah interrupts, Klaus looks affected for a moment before going back to his usual smirk.

"Lucien's two out of three, I say we put him down. Just like old times".

"Just like old times? Brother I wonder who among our family do you suppose has the greatest predilection for betrayal?".

"Brother please-"

"Now before we murder Lucien, there are certain questions that need to be answered. Chiefly what is he doing here?".

"Never a normal day in this family, is there?" Rhiannon remarks, rolling her eyes.

"Normal is overrated, love. Plus you're a witch".

"Perfectly aware of that, thank you".

Elijah smiles at his niece before turning back to Klaus "And the wolf venom. Why would he lie to you, his sire?". The Original in a suit picks up a paintbrush, throwing it up and catching it, a couple of times. "I'm afraid we might have to resort to something deliciously medieval here...".

"We?. I take it you will lower yourself to associate with your bastard brother?".

Klaus stands, with his brother fake smiling "Have you finally forgiven me?".

"I will consider it..." Elijah says, earning a smile from the hybrid "When Hayley forgives you, Gia rises from the dead and hell freezes over. For now, however, let's just hope your little friendship with Lucien doesn't disrupt our mission" He leaves, making Klaus appear annoyed and a bit shocked.

Rhiannon feels a little awkward so she nods at her uncle before walking out of the study and walks into her room, picking up a grimoire to flip through and memorise some spells. Her uncle, Elijah comes by to ask if she wants to join him on a trip to Marcel's apartment which she says yes to.

"Josh!" Rhiannon exclaims as her and Elijah walk into Marcel's loft which is filled with vampires across the floor. Elijah looks at the vampire with a strange look before asking.

"Joshua. Would you kindly enlighten me as to what happened here?". He drops his pocket square on Josh's chest, allowing him to clean up. The blonde helps him sit up which makes him groan in pain at the movement "Ohh God, this woman". The Original walks around, looking at the other vampire who are unconscious. The loft has furniture all around from the fight and vampires being thrown at the items.

"What woman?".

"I don't know. She walked in like she owned the place. Said she had to talk to Marcel in private. We tried to get rid of her and boom, Smackdown City. Which obviously went quite well".

A black business card is spotted by Elijah, who kneels down and picks it up. The card has a owl stamped on the front with white ink. "Did this woman happen to have a name?".

"I don't know" Josh thinks for a moment "Um Aya?". Rhiannon raises her eyebrows at Elijah when he closes his eyes and lets out a sigh "Aya. Let me guess. Five-foot-seven, built like a goddess, vicious as a viper".

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