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Her curious eyes roam around the room, looking for something to do while waiting for her mother to come home, she went out to do some errands and left Rhiannon to stay at home until she gets back

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Her curious eyes roam around the room, looking for something to do while waiting for her mother to come home, she went out to do some errands and left Rhiannon to stay at home until she gets back.

It's her 16th Birthday and she spent the day out in the forest, exploring and seeking out new places. Her mother gave her some presents and the errands may have something to do with her birthday. Rhiannon picks up an abandoned, dusty grimoire which has been left on the book shelf. She brushes off the dust, opening the book and carefully flipping through the pages, looking at the spells and sketches.

A sudden floorboard creaks, catching her attention to the door but nothing is there. Still unsure, she quietly walks closer. Silence fills the air as she stands still, her mind going calm as she takes a deep breath.

Rhiannon lets the breath out and suddenly a sharp silver knife is brought across her throat, making the blood flow from there. She gasps, sliding to the floor in pain, turning around to see who it was.

"Dahlia" The blonde mutters before her eyes close and her body goes still.

The Mikaelson compound is quiet besides the conversation going on between Elijah, Freya, Klaus, Hayley and Rebekah in the dining room when Rhiannon wakes up, in the middle of the compound area.

Her hands go straight to her throat as she remembers what happened but then her eyes begin to look around her, at the new surroundings. Everything is confusing and strange to her. Where is she and when is she? Raised voices come from another room, making her stand up and walk towards the place.

"Mom?" She says weakly, looking at the group of people talking, including her mother.

Freya's eyes widen at the sight of her daughter that she lost long ago, she came home to find her on the floor, blood surrounding her and a note from Dahlia who had been searching for the young girl.


Klaus looks from one to the other, frowning "What is this?". Rhiannon notices the others staring at her with confusion and curiousity, her eyes look down at her dress which is blood stained but it is dry.

"She's my daughter" Freya replies simply, a smile making it to her lips as she runs to her, wrapping her arms around the girl. Tears begin to fall from both of their eyes as they embrace.

"I don't know how or why I am here?" The sixteen year old says as she pulls away from the embrace.

"Dahlia. It must be her".

"She killed me..." Rhiannon remembers, tears threatening to spill again. Another person appears by her side, sort of inspecting her and showing a look of pity.

"This is Rebekah, your aunt" Freya speaks, making the woman smile at the young girl. "Your uncles, Klaus and Elijah, you also have two others who aren't here, Kol and Finn" Freya turns to Hayley. "This is Hayley, who is carrying Klaus's child". Klaus and Elijah look suspicious while Hayley looks curiously at the young girl before standing and walking over.

"Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you" The dark haired woman says softly, offering a small smile.

"I trust you" Rhiannon's eyes go towards her stomach "And the child".

"Thank you"

The Original in a suit motions for Klaus to walk with him, over to her. They both do so. Elijah goes first, with his brother cautiously behind. "Nice to meet you". Klaus steps forwards, his eyes looking into his nieces, searching for truth which he finds.

"Welcome to the family, love".

Rhiannon's eyes light up and she smiles, looking around at her now expanded and stranger yet protective family. Her mothers eyes meet her gaze and she nods, letting her know that they will protect her.

After the others go off to their different missions and things to do, Freya makes up some more tonic for her daughter and some extra.

"It will prevent Dahlia from using you" She explains, handing her the cup with the tonic. Rhiannon nods, sipping on the drink while her mother goes to give Hayley the extra one, for her new husband, Jackson. Once she comes back down, the both sit down at the dining table.

"I'm sorry for not being there when Dahlia came" Freya speaks with regret.

"No, mother, you didn't know that she would be there".

"But I knew that she would find out and search for you. We should have moved to another place".

"I liked it there, the flowing river, the beautiful green trees with the light blue flowers growing on the ground that I would pick out and put behind my ear. I also remember you placing them on top of my cake as decoration".

"I knew they were your favourite" Freya thinks for a moment before continuing "I don't know how or why Dahlia brought you back but I know this all must be confusing and new to you. Be careful if you do want to explore around town. Werewolves, Vampires and other witches are around".

"Our family are mostly vampires. Klaus seems to have some wolf, as does Hayley but Elijah is vampire, also Rebekah is a witch, correct?".

"Yes, Rebekah at the moment is not in her normal body, usually she is a vampire but because of who she is in, right now she is a witch".

"Okay. Can I go rest for the moment, all of these information is a bit much and I feel a little tired from everything".

"There should be a room upstairs, maybe ask Rebekah to show you to one" Freya smiles at her daughter. Rhiannon smiles back, standing up and walking out of the room before hearing her mother call out.

"Remember, Rhiannon Mikaelson, I love you".

"I love you too" She calls back, turning back to go find Rebekah. The Original is found, sitting on a chair in some room, looking over grimoires.


Rebekah looks up, noticing the girl "Oh hello".

"Do you have a room that I could rest in?". The original nods "I will show you, come with me, little niece". Along the hallway, they stop in front of a room which holds a bed and a small dresser.

"It's not the best but it can be updated to your taste sometime soon" Rebekah taps her on the chin, softly "Sleep well, Rhiannon".


Hey everyone! This is the first chapter of my new story, Believer and I hope that you enjoyed reading.

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