Day of the Moon

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The Stone sighed again for the third time that morning or evening, she really couldn't tell now since her and the Doctor were in strait-jackets in what looked like an old plane hanger, feeling as if the restrains on her straight jacket were actually getting tighter and tighter as every few weeks went by, possibly they were getting retightened by the soldiers that were patrolling her and the Doctor whenever she fell asleep every few days but she very much doubted that, she wasn't the deepest of sleepers. It was always a possibility though. It wasn't so bad or hardly noticeable to anyone but by month two and a half but she felt the straight jacket definitely wasn't as loose as it was before when she and the Doctor were put into them.

The Doctor sat beside her in an identical strait-jacket, shackles chained to his ankles just like she had been as well however he had also acquired quite a large beard. Something he knew the Stone definitely wasn't that fond of.

By the third week, the Time Lords had guessed that they were in area fifty-one, multiple guards surrendering them in what looked like an old aircraft hanger. A black square on the floor with them in the middle. Yellow tape in a circle the words "Do Not Approach The Prisoners." On multiple signs.

Followed by his guards Canton walked up to the strait-jacketed Time Lords who held blank faces. Only talking and entertaining each other aloud when Canton wasn't there to watch. Telepathically communicating with each other was second nature to them, especially when they really wanted to piss Canton off by staying silent, the telepathic communication was actually something that had grown quite intimate between the two Time Lords, not that it wasn't intimate before but then again they didn't have a reason to communicate with each other like that all the time. It was something that was quite natural or at least was in United Time Lords.

"We found Amy Pond." Canton informed them glancing at some photographs before tossing them down. The photos just touching the yellow tape. "She had strange markings on her arm. Do you know what they are?"

"Why don't you ask her?" The Doctor smirked making the man blink not hearing the Time Lord speak aloud in quite a while before he noticed the Doctors face slightly fall. His eyes flickered over to the ginger Time Lady. His green eyes meeting her blue ones. They no doubt were telepathically communicating again. The Stone hadn't actually spoken aloud (at least to Cantons knowledge) since just over a month and a half.


"We found Doctor Song." Canton said to them. it only had been a few days after he had told them about Rory.

"These bricks, what are they made of?" The Doctor questioned watching as the men working placed another one of the thick black bricks down. Half the wall behind them already completed. "Where is she?"

"She ran. Off the fiftieth floor."

"I'd say zero balance dwarf star alloy." The Stone hummed even making the Doctor blink unexpectedly at her. "The densest material in the universe." She said watching as the guards placed another one of the black bricks. The edge between the brick below it and the one just placed down glowing a slight whitish colour before disappearing, leaving no trace of the brick before it. "Nothing gets through that."

"You're building us the perfect prison." The Doctor narrowed his eyes at Canton. "And it still won't be enough."

"Of course it won't." The Stone nodded in agreement. "Now sweetheart." She looked over at the Doctor. "Tell me honestly am I getting fat?"

The Doctor snorted aloud something he truly had not done in a good few weeks. "With the small amount of food you're getting dear, highly unlikely."

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