"That's what I thought." She frowned.

"Why?" He asked his eyes showing slight fear, fear that he couldn't hug her, hold her, kiss her or just simply touch her knowing that even if she wasn't safe she was beside him.

"Well, I wasn't sure." She frowned. "I definitely feel fatter."

"Its the lack of mobility dear." He replied. "And probably mint tea..."

"Yes." She nodded. "Probably."

Canton curiously watched them wondering why they had a totally normal conversation a loud after almost three months of the Stone saying nothing.


It had been another week before Canton returned, the alloy star cell finished leaving the room quite dark, only enough light for the Time Lords to see around them and the edge of the cell until the door of the cell opened with Canton and two guards stepping inside. Two body bags being dragged in no doubt holding Amy and Rory. "Is there a reason you're doing this?" The Doctor asked slightly glaring at the man as the Stone narrowed her eyes at him.

"I want you both to know where you stand."

"In a cell." The Doctor deadpanned.

"In the perfect cell." Canton corrected. "Nothing can penetrate these walls. Not a sound, not a radio wave, not the tiniest particle of anything." The soldiers that brought the body bags in then left leaving Canton and the strait-jacketed Time Lords in the room, Canton placed his fingers into holes on the wall, most likely a sensor that only allowed him and a few individuals to open or close the door. "In here, you're literally cut off from the rest of the universe." He said looking between them a small smile growing on his face. "So I guess they can't hear us, right?"

"Good work, Canton." The Doctor grinned. "Door sealed?"

"You bet."

The Stone laughed shaking her head as the Doctor instantly stood up shaking off his shackles and strait-jacket. The Stone shook her head and did the same as the body bags sat up gasping for breath as the Time Lords managed to break free quickly moving over to a body bag each undoing the zips as Amy and Rory gasped for some fresh air.

"Are you okay?" The Doctor asked them tightly hugging Rory.

"Finally." Amy breathed as the Stone laughed hugging the woman.

"These things could really do with air holes."

"Never had a complaint before." Canton chuckled as the Stone shook her head, she would have found it quite humourous if she hadn't been tied up for three months with no mint tea, reading or about to hug and kiss the Doctor.

"Isn't it going to look odd that you're staying in here with us?"

"Odd, but not alarming. They know there's no way out of this place."

"Exactly." The Doctor grinned. "Whatever they might think we're doing in here, they know we're not going anywhere." He clapped his hands together. "Now, before we go anywhere I have something I need to do." He grinned.

"Which is?" Amy questioned as Rory frowned not understanding what was going on as the Stone chuckled.

"This." Without a warning, his arms were around the Stones waist, her arms around his neck as he slowly and tenderly kissed her. It had been three months, it was practically killing him that they hadn't had any physical contact in that time.

Times Will Change [6] (The Parallel Series) ✓Where stories live. Discover now