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For : ynna ( lowkeysolana )

You grinned from ear to ear, standing in front of the entrance of the most happiest place on earth. "This is it!" You hyped, squeezing Donny's hand with yours. Donny smiled at your eagerness before pulling you with him to take a picture with his phone. "Smile!" You both smile on the camera, Disneyland just waiting behind you.

You quickly went inside, jumping from one ride to another and you can't say that you're not having the best time of your life because you would be lying then. "Do you want some cotton candy?" Donny asked, pointing at the huge ice cream like cotton candy that the color reminds you of the sky at Philippines when the sun is about to set in. "Yes, please." You cheered in a child like voice, making Donny pat your head. "Okay kiwi." He teased and you rolled your eyes. Being cheeky, you steal a kiss from him, your lips touching for a second. "I bet Kiwi can't do that." You mocked and Donny stared at you before his lips break into a small smile. "Hay, hokage ka talaga." He laughed before standing and walking towards the cotton candy machine, leaving you smiling.

The day went on, and you almost, almost ride the half of the rides but you decided to call it a day since it almost evening, you've been there since morning. "That was insane!" You breathed, talking about the roller coaster. Donny shook his head but didn't say anything. "That's why I'm never gonna ride that thing again." He said and you laughed. "Awe, my poor boyfriend got scared." You cooed and Donny rolled his eyes at you. "Funny, Ynna." He replied sarcastically and you hugged him. "Love youuuu." You smiled.

You were about to ask Donny where are you both planning to eat dinner when something caught your eyes, smiling horse statues and blinking lights attracting you. You looked at Donny who looked so busy on his phone while walking. "Babe." You called his attention. "Yes?" He asked not looking at you. "You know you're the best boyfriend in the world right?" Donny looked at you suspiciously as if sensing that you're going to asked him something weird and stop walking.

"Cut it off Ynna. What do you want?" He sighed, walking again and leaving you behind. You jog towards him, getting on his back in an instant. "Can we ride the carousel, Please." You asked in a tiny voice, your legs wrapped around his waist, arms around his neck as you showered him kisses on his face. "Pretty, pretty, please." You said sweetly. "Are you crazy? You're seriously asking me– a gigantic ME to ride a carousel that only kids who's like seven years old ride?" Donny asked in disbelief, arching his head at your direction.

"Please, I promise this is the last ride for tonight. Please." You pleaded. "No." He breathed. "Please? I'll do whatever you want."


You sighed, getting off of his back. "Okay." Donny looked at your annoyed face. "I guess I'll just have to ride it alone–oh! Or maybe with those cute guys there." You spoke loudly and walked towards the carousel, making Donny grabbed you wrist. "Ynna." He said in a low voice.


Minutes later, you're smiling from ear to ear, getting on one of the horses Donny following behind you as he got on the horse behind you, people around you giving him weird stares. "The things I do for this girl." He whispered to himself, getting conscious under the gaze of the parents who's with their child.

"God, I love this guy so much." You mumbled, looking at Donny who's blushing under the gaze of some people around you. Lights started to sparkle around you as the sweet tune of the carousel start. "Hey, Donny." You called out, making Donny's head snapped to your direction.

"I love you. Like really, I love you so much." You said with a faint smile, your heart beating faster as Donny rolled his eyes at you but smile anyways. "You're lucky I love you more." He replied.

Donny Pangilinan ImaginesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ