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For : Chris

"Thanks for the ride,"you mutter, smiling at Donny as you reach to grab your bag in the backseat. He grabs your wrist as you climb back into the front seat, giving you a look of desperation.

He chews on his lips, and flicks his tongue over his lips to moisten them. "Uhm, hey Chris." He called out making you looked back at him.

"Can I see you again?" You narrow your eyes, pressing your shoulder against the seat as you sit sideways. He chuckles nervously and opens his mouth to speak but quickly shuts it and purses his lips.
"I uh," You begin running your fingers through your hair, pulling at the roots slightly, "Yeah you can see me again, " You agree, he soon releases your wrist and you rest your head against the back of the seat.

Donny smiles, and reaches out to fix the part of your hair that you messed up from running your fingers through it, "Sounds good." He concludes, but you barely pay attention to anything he's saying because your eyes are already trained on his lips.

Leaning in, you press your lips to his briefly and then quickly break away moving back to your side of the car. "Whoa," He speaks, eyes almost bugging out of their sockets, "Wait, why'd you break away?" He pleads, slipping his seat belt off so he can move over to your capturing your face between his hands as he catches your lips once more. Your arms wrap around his neck, and you crane your neck enough to deepen the kiss in sync with him. People walking past the car look in and see you kissing, but you honestly don't even notice because you're too engulfed in the kiss to pay attention to anything other than Donny.

I mean who wouldn't? It was Donny for God's sake!

Thumbs brushing over the soft skin on his cheeks you smile against his lips.

"Yeah," you say against his lips, leaving a few tender pecks, "You can definitely see me again."

an: im still taking requests!! 💙

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